Super Bowl show was ... revealing

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Well, the boobs were out at the Super Bowl ... literally .... We heard Janet Jackson got a little "floppy" at the end ... and Kid Rock tore the American flag down the middle and wore it like a serape ....

Are we the only ones who think the half-time show has gone to the dogs? And when "He Hate Me" is the best-known name ... who cares? Although it was a good game. ...

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Fortunately, we went to the seminar at the Greenhouse Garden Center and learned about the latest new colors and phony flowers (excuse Maizie please, "silk" flowers is the appropriate term ... and they are gorgeous) from Mary, Sue and Diane. We enjoyed it and appreciated their hospitality. ...

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NASA ... keep the Hubble! Call your senators and congressman and don't lose our "eye in the sky". ...

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We had fun last week, too, when we went to lunch with Patricia Elliott and Jennifer Paul ... Patricia bid on, and won, a lunch with us at "Breakfast with Mozart" ... so we took her and Jennifer to Glen Eagles. It was also nice to see Heather and Brenda, who work there ... good food, good time. ...

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AOL reports that credit card debts and defaults, as well as bankruptcies, are at an all-time high ... gee, what's wrong with buying things on credit and not paying them back? People are just doing what the government does ... spending money here, there, everywhere ... who cares who pays? Just remember your "good" credit rating when you go to buy a house or car down the road (no pun intended). ...

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Last week, we asked who said "What good fortune for governments that people do not think?" We had one astute reader who knew it was Adolf Hitler ... John Peery also came up with another of Hitler's quotes (or paraphrase), "Give me five years, and you won't recognize the place." He was speaking of Berlin ... and he was right ... we bombed the hell out of it. ...

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We've decided that graffiti "artists" are trying to be "macho men" by making up for their "little inadequacies" in other places ... and how about when they're caught, their cars, clothes and anything else they own, be entirely spray painted with some bilious color ... then they'll get the attention they crave ... whoopee. ...

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Soooo ... we spend millions on a new computer to speed up Medicaid payments, and because it's not working, it threatens the livelihood of some of our local doctors ... OK, Gov. Guinn and government officials ... get your clout together and get the darn thing working. ...

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We have some bits and pieces that need clearing up: What's the Ormsby House going to look like when it's finished? What's being built in the new Quail Park besides Ming's and a sports bar? What restaurants and stores are going up in the "south of the county line" area? Nosy people want to know ... (whoever they are). ...

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A note to some teenagers ... if the weather is 30 degrees or thereabouts, for Pete's sake, wear a coat ... You make us shiver just looking at you ... and, if you don't have one ... go to FISH and get one ... (that idea brought to you by a "crusty" and "old" Carsonite) ... Monte Fast will see you don't freeze. ...

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Just found a definition of insanity ... "When you do the same thing all the time and expect a different result ... you're nuts"... It never works ... it can be applied to diets, domestic violence, you name it ... learn that it doesn't work, and you'll regain your sanity ... and your life. ...

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And "Dog-goned in Carson City" wants to know what Rover is doing on Mars ... "I thought he was tied up in the backyard ..."

Carolyn DeMar and Maizie Harris Jesse are longtime Carson City residents. Write to them at


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