Genoa Lakes will help March of Dimes

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During the entire month of March a portion of every revenue round of golf played at Genoa Lakes Golf Club will be donated to a local chapter of March of Dimes.

"Let's face it, we have thirteen grandchildren and are expecting our first great grandchild so we have a special appreciation for infants and newborns," said Mario Antoci, co-owner of Genoa Lakes with his wife, Diane.

"This is a first for our division and we think it may be a first for March of Dimes in Nevada," March of Dimes division director Shelly Young said. "We hope this may become an annual event for us."

Also during March, Genoa Lakes will draw one name each week and award a gift certificate worth $25. The certificate can be used at either the golf shop or the restaurant. At the conclusion of the fund-raiser, one name will be drawn and that golfer will receive a gift certificate worth $200 good for the restaurant of golf shop.

Genoa did about 1,000 revenue rounds of golf last March. For more information, call (775) 782-4653 or go on line at


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