Nevada Attorney general sues regents

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Attorney General Brian Sandoval on Thursday filed suit against the Board of Regents, charging it violated the open-meeting law by holding closed door meetings in November.

Those meetings resulted in the removal of Community College of Southern Nevada President Ron Remington and the community college's lobbyist John Cummings.

The suit asked that actions taken by the board in violation of the open-meeting law be voided, and that the board's conduct be declared in violation of the law.

Neither Remington nor Cummings was allowed into the meetings involving their conduct, and neither was allowed to review or comment on the alleged evidence against them before the action was taken. In addition, the board held extensive discussions into the actions of several lawmakers, including Assembly members Chris Giunchigliani and Wendell Williams, both Southern Nevada Democrats.

University and Community College System legal counsel Tom Ray advised the board it could meet behind closed doors.

Sandoval cited a recent ruling against the Board of Regents by the Nevada Supreme Court, which said the open-meeting law is designed to enable citizens to participate in government.

The violations charged by Sandoval's office include deliberating and taking action in closed session, forming recommendations and a consensus during a closed session, discussing alleged misconduct and professional competency of elected officials during closed session, and failing to provide adequate notice to those being threatened with disciplinary action.

"Placing these issues before the court will clarify our citizens' ability to participate in open government and ensure the integrity of our public process," said Sandoval.

Contact Geoff Dornan at or at 687-8750.


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