Insurance adjusters begin processing fire claims

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As the smoke clears from the Carson City skies, fire victims face scorched homes and blackened landscapes.

After assessing the damage, many are turning to their insurance agencies for help.

"We've had a couple of people come in with damages related to the fire," said Carolyn Mitchell, an agent with deArrieta Insurance on Minnesota Street. "We've had one gentleman with damage to his landscaping and one who lost a guest house.

"But as far as our clients go, so far most have fared pretty well."

Ten people had visited the mobile unit set up by Allstate Insurance Co. in the parking lot of the Harley-Davidson store at 2749 N. Carson St.

"About four of them completely lost their homes," said damage evaluator Richard Cobb. "The rest have had some type of damage."

He encouraged victims to file claims as soon as possible.

"We have people already in town working on the most severe cases," he said. "Everybody should be contacted within 72 hours."

Cobb said one of the most difficult tasks for victims can be trying to make a complete inventory of lost items.

"We have people on hand to try to help them remember everything they had," he said. "Like Christmas ornaments. Who thinks of Christmas ornaments at this time of year?

"We want to make sure they get everything they have coming to them."

Mitchell said it is a good time for people to re-evaluate their coverage. Although she said her company contacts policyholders when the price of their homes increase, everyone should be aware of the costs.

"It's good for all homeowners to review their policies and ask themselves, 'Could I rebuild my home for the amount of coverage I have?'" she advised. "Since it's hit so close to home, I think people are more aware."

She said homeowners should also contact their insurance carriers when they make additions or improvements to their homes.

In addition to general home coverage, Mitchell suggested people also assess the value of their belongings, from artwork to antiques to jewelry.

"A lot of people don't stop and think how much it would cost to replace it all," she said.

Contact Teri Vance at or at 881-1272.


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