IAP lists challengers for offices

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The Independent American Party, third largest in Nevada, has filed a slate of candidates for a number of state and legislative offices.

Janine Hansen of Sparks filed for Congress in District 2 saying she is very concerned about the loss of liberties in the country under the Patriot Act.

"We've become nearly a police state," said Hansen, who was arrested last week on public property by Reno Police while trying to gather petitions on a tax repeal petition. "Our freedom is gone. We're a nation under surveillance."

Merritt "Ike" Yochum of Carson City filed in Assembly District 40 saying he agrees with "everything Ron Knecht has done" but is concerned Knecht may be forced off the ballot by the Nevada Supreme Court because he is a public employee.

"If he is, I've got to fill the void," Yochum said.

Tom Jefferson of Spring Creek filed for the Northern Nevada Senatorial District against longtime incumbent Dean Rhoads, R-Tuscarora.

In the auto parts business, he said Rhoads is "one of my best customers," but that he differs with him politically.

He called for the repeal of all existing taxes in Nevada including on gaming and property. Jefferson said they would be replaced with a 1 percent tax on all financial transactions which would generate more than existing taxes.

David Holmgren, who ran for the Assembly two years ago on the IAP ticket, filed for the same seat earlier in the week but was forced to withdraw after realizing he didn't live in the district.

His wife Jackie, however, is a candidate in Assembly District 36 representing a large chunk of rural Nevada south to Nye County. The incumbent there is Republican Rod Sherer.

Linwood Tracy, 63 filed for Assembly District 35, currently held by Pete Goicoechea, R-Eureka. He said he strongly supports Goicoechea's positions on most issues but dismissed the suggestion he would take more votes from him than from Democrat challenger and former Assemblywoman Marcia de Braga.

"He's a good man but he's going to have to sharpen his pencil and get better," he said. "If you get competition, it's always better. You have to be better to stay so I'm making him better."

Dennis Gomez filed for Assembly District 38, currently held by Tom Grady, R-Yerington.

Gomez, who works at Costco and lives in Dayton, also ran two years ago. He is 53.

David Schumann filed as the party's candidate for U.S. Senate.

Ken Greenwell, 64, of Fallon filed for Central Nevada Senatorial District. A retired contractor, he said this is his first run for political office.

"I didn't like what happened last time," he said. "The Nevada Supreme Court took away our right to have a constitutional state government."


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