Tigers version of The Catch

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MINDEN - Kristy Olsen received a little more attention than usual around Douglas High on Monday.

News of her game-ending diving catch in the Tigers' 11-10 zone championship win over McQueen on Saturday had spread rapidly, and her classmates took extra time to congratulate Olsen and the rest of the team.

The attention was nice and well-deserved. It's something that hadn't happened often to Olsen, whose first three seasons have been frustrating to say the least.

Funny what one catch and 40 games can do to a player's confidence level. Until this year, she doubted that she belonged, and now she knows she does. This year validated Olsen's beliefs, plain and simple.

That catch brought Olsen's name to the forefront, and will be talked about for years to come in local softball circles. Those kind of clutch cases come along rarely.

Douglas, already weary from playing two games earlier on Saturday, had fought back from an 8-0 deficit to take a 11-10 lead with one out and Sarah Hunt on second base in the seventh. Jessica Haight lashed a sinking line drive to right field. Olsen dove headlong, made the catch and threw to second to double up a stunned Hunt, who was already to third base.

Olsen admitted Monday she was going to throw home until she heard her teammates yell at her to throw to second base.

"It was pretty much in front of me and a little to the side," Olsen said. "It was instinct. I just jumped out. I love to dive. I think it's the funnest thing in the world. I like the grass.

"It definitely is the biggest play I've executed, and maybe the most exciting, too. I didn't think (about the ball getting by her and scoring Hunt). I knew Kaycee (Wilcks) would be there to back me up."

As exciting as the catch was, it didn't really surprise coach Todd Wilcks.

"She makes plays like that at practice all the time," he said. "It was a great catch, but it wasn't something out of the ordinary (because she does it so much). Plays like that happen once a season (in games).

"She dives for balls all the time. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. She put herself in position to make that catch."

Olsen's career at Douglas has been somewhat frustrating. She made the varsity as a freshman, was demoted to the junior varsity squad as a sophomore and saw limited time on the varsity last season.

"I was definitely frustrated," she said. "I had lost a lot of confidence. I always thought I could do it. When I wasn't playing, though, I started second-guessing myself."

"Last year she was always upbeat," teammate Kayla Dunn said. "She wasn't playing much, but she was always so supportive of everybody all the time."

Olsen could have walked away, but she didn't. She hooked up with the Crusaders, a Reno-based team last summer.

"The coach (Ken Hembree) really built me up, and I had a great year," she said. "It definitely prepared me for high school. I came in with a lot more confidence because I knew I'd get a chance."

And that's all Olsen ever wanted at Douglas. Working hard was the easy part. Getting somebody to believe in her was difficult the past three years, and this coaching staff made it known early on they had high hopes for her.

"Jim (Puzey, assistant coach) sat down with me and he told me he knew that I hadn't had much of a chance, and that I would have a chance (to start)," the DHS senior said. "He told me I'd obviously have to work hard for it. I just wanted to prove to everybody I could do it.

"I've always been that way (hard working). I've always wanted to do my best to make everybody else happy and do it for the team. I just go out there and give 110 percent."

And she does exactly that, according to Wilcks.

"She's so competitive," Wilcks said. "The great thing about Kristy is that she practices as hard as she plays. She works extremely hard and never takes a play off. When you get kids to do that, they make phenomenal plays look easy like she did last weekend."

Though she's played plenty of other positions - pitcher, shortstop and first base - Olsen loves the outfield.

"I'm definitely more comfortable in the outfield," she said. "My big position used to be pitcher, but I was really uncomfortable there. I just love the outfield.

"When I'm in the infield doing drills, I'm always looking out at the outfielders wishing I was out there. Coach Wilcks will always kid me and tell me I'm a dirt girl (infielder), but I love the grass."

Wilcks and Puzey have played her at first base when Dunn pitches, and she's done a good job there. Dunn has been sidelined with a sore thumb recently, so Olsen has been in the outfield most of the time.

Defense isn't her only forte. She's extremely valuable on offense, too.

Olsen has been a dependable No. 2 hitter, a table setter, for the Tigers, hitting .344 unofficially with 11 walks and 44 runs scored. She, along with Kaycee Wilcks, has done a good job of setting the table for Brittany Puzey, Dunn and Val Smith.

"She's been a great hitter," Wilcks said. "I don't know her on-base percentage, but she's one of the toughest outs we have. She's done a phenomenal job in the second spot. She runs so well. If Kaycee isn't on, Kristy is."

What helped Olsen is that she's batted No. 2 the entire year even when she has had problems at the plate. The confidence the coaches have in her has helped immensely.

"It's definitely reassuring," Olsen said. "I'm not worrying about where I'm going to bat, or if I'm going to bat. Jim (Puzey) talked to me after the season started.

"I was putting a lot of pressure on myself early, feeling I had to go 4-for-4 and that I couldn't strike out. He settled me down and got me relaxed. I started to hit a lot better."

And, her work offensively has earned the respect of her teammates.

"She's done an awesome job of putting the ball into play," pitcher-first baseman Kayla Dunn said. "There's no doubt in my mind she's going to get on base. She's a very good hitter; a smart hitter."

And one that adds a lot of punch to an already potent lineup.

Contact Darrell Moody at dmoody@nevadaappeal.com or 881-1281.

Olsen by the numbers

Games: 40

At-bats: 126

Average: .344

Runs: 44

Doubles: 9

Triples: 3

Homers: 0

RBI: 31

Strikeouts: 15

Walks: 11

*unofficial stats


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