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Some of the Memorial Day events planned around Carson City:


u Unveiling of highway signs dedicated to Nevada's veterans, 11 a.m. at the Nevada Veterans Memorial Wall, outside the east entrance to the Capitol.


u Carson High School Naval Junior ROTC cadets will put flags on graves of veterans at Lone Mountain Cemetery, 919 Beverly Drive, in Carson City. They will also raise service flags for each branch of the U.S. military to half staff.


u World War II Memorial Dedication ceremony viewed live on TV at the Carson City Elks Lodge, 515 N. Nevada St. Lodge opens at 9 a.m. Call 882-2177.


u Memorial Day services, 1 p.m. at Lone Mountain Cemetery on Beverly Drive. Bleachers will be available; presentations by bagpipes, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War color guard, costumes, veterans to be honored and brief speeches. Eagle Scouts will also be honored. Call 265-2950.

u Pro America Rally in support of American troops, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at west lawn of Legislative complex. Bring an American flag and picnic lunch. Call Patty Pruett at 246-9339.

u Honoring American military personnel who have died in Iraq, noon at Thompson Federal Building at Liberty and South Virginia streets, Reno. Hosted by Sierra Interfaith Action for Peace. Call 624-6975.

u Memorial Day Ceremony in Remembrance to our departed comrades, 11 a.m. at Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fernley. Call (775) 575-4441.

u Memorial Day Ceremony honoring veterans at 9 a.m. at Dayton Cemetery. Includes commemoration of the 60th anniversary of D-Day. Includes participation by Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8660, Dayton American Legion Post 53 and Carson City American Legion Post 54.

u Memorial Day parade at noon on C Street in Virginia City. Call 847-0311 for details or to enter.


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