Psych-K a new age in therapy

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ou are what you believe," said Marc Hiscox of Minden, practitioner of PSYCH-K, or psychological kinesiology, a combination of psychology and kinesiology, or the study of muscle movement and muscle testing.

The noninvasive life tool uses both ancient and modern techniques, and is gaining popularity among those who wish to change unwanted thoughts and behaviors, from smoking cigarettes, to overeating, to hating one's parents.

"Whatever you dwell on, that's what's going to be pulled into your life," said Hiscox, echoing statements made by those in the field of spiritual growth and personal development, like Dr. Wayne Dyer.

Originated by Robert Williams, M.A., in the late 1980s, PSYCH-K was created to thwart some of the frustrations that come with typical counseling sessions and the lack of real and permanent change some patients feel.

PSYCH-K begins with the principles of neuroscience that link the subconscious mind to the muscles. Through a simple series of arm movements, the muscles can be tested to discover what a person truly believes, which can often be a breakthrough revelation.

Once the true beliefs are established, "The techniques cultivate communication between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, increasing communication between the conscious and subconscious mind," according to Hiscox.

In the words of founder Williams, "Because the subconscious mind controls motor functions in the body, such as muscle movement, we can use this 'built-in' biofeedback mechanism to find out when the subconscious agrees or disagrees with a given statement.

"It's a simple process that enables you to communicate directly with the subconscious mind in order to change beliefs and attitudes that limit or sabotage peak performance."

"Everything is energy," said Hiscox. "A thought, a rock, us ... it's all energy, and it can all change form."

Hiscox holds nothing against traditional doctor-patient-couch psychology and psychiatry, and says while PSYCH-K is not a cure-all, it can sometimes best be used to complement the work of a traditional therapist.

"People come to me when they're ready," he adds.

"A person will heal, if and when they choose. Some issues can be solved in minutes; noticeable change is often recognized within one session and definitely in three to five. The client's attitude and intent are necessary for their change.

"One of the things we have to realize is that we're mind, body and spirit. And they're all connected in ways science is only beginning to understand.

At the end of a session, a person may be given a prescription in the form of a daily mantra to say for a certain number of days, a certain number of times a day to reinforce the new belief.

"I believe that many people are looking for alternative health these days, meaning they're going to go to a naturopath or a herbalist instead of immediately going to the doctor for prescription drugs," Hiscox said. "People are beginning to realize their own natural healing abilities. That beliefs and attitudes form behavior," and that they can do something to change those behaviors.

"If you have a physical issue, by all means see your doctor, but if the pain or issue comes from something emotional or a 'sabotaging' belief, taking a drug is only a short-term fix. The issue will most likely return in the same place or elsewhere in your body," he says.

As to his success rate, Hiscox says it's near 100 percent.

"People are going to be as successful with Psych-K as they want to be," he adds.

Hiscox is a credentialed teacher and works with children as well as adults. He has an office in Minden and at The Spiritual Element in Reno.

Contact reporter Peter Thompson at or 881-1215.


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