Ex-Incline resident 1st runner-up as Ms. Senior

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal Ms. Senior Nevada Barbara Glotzer won first runner-up in the Ms. Senior America pageant in Las Vegas last month.  She was featured in the Nevada Day Parade .

Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal Ms. Senior Nevada Barbara Glotzer won first runner-up in the Ms. Senior America pageant in Las Vegas last month. She was featured in the Nevada Day Parade .

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Former 30-year Incline Village resident Barbara Glotzer returned exuberant last week from the Ms. Senior America pageant in Las Vegas.

"I was right up there - a fraction away from Ms. America," she said.

Glotzer, who now lives in Reno, won first runner-up in the national competition after achieving the title of Ms. Senior Nevada this summer.

What pleased her just as much as the near win was the entourage of about 40 friends and family members who accompanied her.

"There were people I hadn't seen in 20 years - from all over," she said. "They were truly the wind beneath my wings."

There were several aspects to the competition: questions from a panel of judges, the gown portion of the competition, stage presence and the contestants' philosophy of life.

Glotzer answered as she had for the state competition.

"The only failure is in not trying," she said. "No dream is too small and no diamond is too big."

The co-owner of East West Jewelry Co. in Reno ought to know.

She also repeated her performance of "Some of These Days" during the talent portion of the competition.

In the months between the state and national competitions, Glotzer, who was born and raised in New York, put all her energy into practicing the old Sophie Tucker tune.

Her friend, Mavis Davis, director of "That 70s Show," came from Los Angeles to coach her singing techniques.

Glotzer said she considers the competition not just about herself and the other contestants, but about all women achieving their potential.

"It's about honoring all women - young and old alike," she said. "First runner-up is a miracle. It's just wonderful."

Glotzer's advice to other senior women is that age isn't important. She described other women at the competition - women in their 80s who were dancing, who had beautiful, long legs.

"What does matter is to keep challenging yourself and taking risks," she said.

Her philosophy was tested recently o an extent she'd never dreamed possible.

About a month after winning the state competition in June, Glotzer's son, Jeff, who worked as a lighting and sound man at a Las Vegas showroom, fell. His serious head injuries put him in intensive care for a month while Glotzer tried to keep her courage and practice her song.

"Every time I tried to practice at home, I would start to cry," she said.

Jeff died Aug. 16, and Glotzer didn't think she could continue.

"But I got hold of myself and did it," she said.

"I thought of him when I performed in Las Vegas. He could have been the one shining the light on me from that booth," she said. "At the end of the song, I threw a kiss up to him, in his honor."


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