Rick Gunn/Nevada Appeal Carson City Manager Linda Ritter smiles at Douglas County Manager Dan Holler at the city managers' forum at the Nevada Appeal Tuesday.
Carson City and Douglas County managers say their governments are getting along without a glitch.
At a friendly public relations forum at the Nevada Appeal Tuesday night attended by less than 10 people, Carson City Manager Linda Ritter and Douglas County Manager Dan Holler gave the impression the relationship between policy-makers on both sides of the Carson/Douglas border is seamless and strictly productive.
They briefly touched several issues facing their constituents, including economic development, population growth, mutual aid, joint facility management, traffic and water supply.
They say they're working together to secure federal funds, foster smart growth, and secure public safety agreements across county lines.
"Regional cooperation is alive and well," Ritter said.
Holler agreed, saying the public is ill-informed of the work the jurisdictions do together.
Neither talked of Carson City's effort last year to block the sale of North Douglas County land to auto dealers for development of an auto mall. An auto mall across the county line would take away one of Carson City's primary sources of sales tax revenue.
Instead, Ritter and Holler discussed the possibility of securing tax-increment financing for Carson City and Douglas and Lyon counties without redevelopment.
Ritter said leaders from the three jurisdictions would like to produce more investment opportunities without use of eminent domain.
But she didn't say that a cooperative financial investment plan exists between counties.
Each county works with the Nevada Association of Counties, she said, to both oppose and lobby for state legislation.
"We're watching legislative bills and fighting them together."
Ritter and Holler said they would like to improve public transit across county lines, but did not outline a plan.
The audience brought up the possibility of building a second high school.
Ritter said although Bureau of Land Management land east of Highway 395 across from Wal-Mart could be a good spot for a campus, it is ultimately up to the school district to build a new school.