Developer eyes Bodine's property

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After 20 years in business, an owner of Bodine's restaurant on South Carson said a sale may be in its future - or it may not.

"We could be here for two more years, five more years or six more months," said Bodine's co-owner Joe Masini.

Conceptual plans are on file with the Carson City Parks and Recreation Department that detail a western-themed casino in place of the long-standing Carson City restaurant.

Net Development Co. of Costa Mesa, Calif., has begun discussing an agreement with the city for shared parking at Fuji Park, if company owner Kevin Coleman secures Bodine's three-acre corner property, which is northeast of the city park.

He has several area projects in the works, including office and commercial space on East College Parkway. Coleman could not be reached for comment.

Parks and Rec Director Roger Moellendorf said the development plan is the equivalent of floating an idea to see how it would fare in front of city officials.

"He's buying private property and what he's asking for in return is that we develop some type of an agreement that he can use a portion of the park's parking lot when they have large events or spill over," said Moellendorf.

The plan will be discussed at tonight's parks and rec commission meeting.

Like any real estate deal, nothing is final until money changes hands.

And that's the one thing that hasn't happened, said Masini. The restaurant celebrates its 20-year anniversary on Thursday.

"It's not done," he said Monday. "This is his (Coleman's) proposal about what he wants to do. Until he can move forward (on the sale), Bodine's is still Bodine's and will continue to be Bodine's."

Masini, who owns the property with Jim Alderson and Shel Lindsey, said four to five other developers are looking at the land for potential purchase.

The parks and rec director said Coleman requested joint use of a portion of the fairground's planned parking lot off Old Clear Creek Road. In exchange for the shared parking, Coleman would donate the labor and equipment necessary to develop the proposed improvements to the fairgrounds and park.

The city has about $825,000, but that is not sufficient to complete all improvements.

Coleman's donation could contribute $250,000 to $1 million toward the improvement project, said Moellendorf. He said this is a potential private-public partnership that would benefit Fuji Park and Coleman's proposed development.

"City parking and functions would have priority over the casino," Moellendorf said.

Michael Suglia, deputy district attorney, said the plans for the proposed casino have the required number of parking spaces, but Coleman wants to secure more. The deputy DA is working on the draft parking agreement with Coleman.

"He feels to maximize his gaming interest that he'd be better off having more parking," Suglia said.

He said the city has parking agreements with other businesses, such as the medical plaza near the Carson Aquatic Facility, but it's rare for the city to be offered such a large donation for improving a public park.

Bodine's owner Masini said the proposed project is an interesting idea.

"It's interesting. Life is interesting. This is why we went and got our non-restricted gaming license so in the future it would become an asset. And it has."

n Contact reporter Becky Bosshart at or 881-1212.


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