Cathleen Allison/Nevada Appeal Eagle Valley Middle School students, from left, Kailyn Melton, Bob Schuler, Caroline Montiel, all 13, and Anthony Merrin, 12, prepare for the Destination Imagination competition in Tennessee.
Never think a stapler can't be used to make the sound of a gunshot - or at least don't tell that to Eagle Valley Middle School students participating in Destination Imagination.
A group of five students are headed to Tennessee from May 24-29 to compete against at least 60 other national and international teams in one of the five Destination Imagination tasks of a mock radio bit.
"We mostly wrote our own lines," said 13-year-old K.K. Melton. "I'd say, 'I want to say this,' and somebody else would say 'I want to say this.' We all worked together."
K.K. and students Bob Schuler, Anthony Merrin, Caroline Montiel and Katie Mandoki wrote a 'whodunit' radio story, came up with sound effects, including using a stapler to mimic a gunshot, and built a set for the bit they call, "Who Shot the Sheriff?"
Bob, who plays a variety of voices including a bartender during the skit, heard the tune on a "The Simpsons" episode. He believes the team can place in the top during the competition.
"We do have some work to do, but I feel we have a good chance," he said. "We have such a great team here, and we have so much fun doing it."
It's not like they're without a chance. At the recent state finals in Las Vegas on April 9, Eagle Valley placed third. Their script also includes a news break and a commercial, both of which the students wrote.
Anthony plays the role of Mayor Caroline, who is the narrator and keeps the story on pace. K.K. is Investigator Bob, the patsy; and Katie is the mayor's wife.
"I think it's cool how everyone corresponds with their characters so well," K.K. said.
Eagle Valley English teacher Nicole Hendee brought Destination Imagination to school this year after about a five-year hiatus. Previously, it was called Odyssey of the Mind, but Destination Imagination split off.
"I've been involved with (Odyssey) since I was in seventh grade," Hendee said.
On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and occasionally weekends, the students practice their roles and prepare for the upcoming competition. What they really need, is not more practice, but money to help them get to Tennessee.
"We need to raise about $4,500," Hendee said. "We need to pay for airfare, room and board and a rental van when we get there."
Students have sponsored bake sales at the school, which helped raise some money. Anyone who wants to assist the students, can call Hendee at Eagle Valley at 283-2644.
While it's up to the students to determine how they perform at the Tennessee competition, one thing remains for sure in their whodunit story: The mayor is responsible.