Mary Jean Kelso/Nevada Appeal News Service Pam Doerr, Fernley resident and service officer for American Legion Post 37, made the Naval Reserves her lifetime career before retiring and becoming active in the community. Doerr presides at many funeral services and ceremonies for veterans and civilians.
A Fernley resident since 1996, Pamela Doerr travels the world while making a difference here in her hometown.
Doerr, a freelance marketing and research consultant, has spent most of her adult life in the Naval Reserve. Currently, she is the service officer for American Legion Post 37. Active in the Fernley community, she continues to participate in ceremonies at the local veterans cemetery.
"I devote the most time to the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Association, providing military honors at funerals staged at 16 cemeteries throughout the region. Since Fernley is the location of a regional veterans' cemetery, I am busy in my own backyard as Nevada has the fastest growing veteran population in the U.S," Doerr said.
The group is looking for more veterans to join the association, as well as the Fernley American Legion Post 37, which boasts more than 100 members.
"Currently there is a contingent of around 20 veterans and their wives in the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Association. We need people to do the honor ceremonies, participate at the Lyon County Fly-In and at the Memorial Day Services at the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery," Doerr said.
Doerr participates, not only in programs at home, but as a speaker at gatherings in other locations as well. Recently, she spoke in Carson City at a ceremony honoring women veterans from the Vietnam War. Her presentation to more than 60 people in Mills Park led to the dedication of a memorial rock bench in the Nevada Vietnam Memorial section of the park.
Not one to just provide ritual for the veterans, Doerr also has been involved in community service to Fernley.
"I serve on a variety of committees, including a committee for a Founder's Day celebration scheduled for 2006. I helped found a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide educational, social and recreational programs supporting the health, safety and well being of the community."
Doerr came up with the acronym "Compass" for Community Partnership Seeking Solutions.
This organization, operated with grant funding, keeps young people occupied during the summer vacations by offering sports and activities. In the summer of 2005 open gyms and organized recreational programs were offered at Fernley Intermediate School. Field trips were arranged to keep the Fernley youth busy throughout the summer break.
"Hopefully, we will break ground for an activity building in 2006," Doerr said.
On the lighter side, Doerr is also a member of the first Red Hat Society to be formed in Fernley. It is a group of women who get together to have fun and provide services to their neighbors.
Veterans interested in joining either the Northern Nevada Veterans Memorial Association or the Fernley American Legion are welcome to call Doerr at 575-5526.