School pedestrian issue back before commissioners

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Concerned parents' quest for a school zone in front of Carson High will be back before Carson City transportation commissioners Wednesday, one month after city engineers asked for more time to study the busy road.

Transportation planners had recommended creating a school zone on Saliman Road after parents complained about too-fast traffic and dangerous conditions in front of the school.

Transportation officials also recommended increasing the Saliman Road speed limit from 25 mph to 35 mph everywhere but in front of the school - a prospect that upset some residents who complained a 35 mph speed limit would just encourage people to drive upward of 40 mph.

The proposal was tabled by commissioners last month after Carson City Deputy Engineer John Flansberg said while studying traffic around the high school, it became apparent that a lot more issues needed fixing than just a pedestrian crossing that floods with students before, after and sometimes during school.

After completing traffic and pedestrian studies, city transportation officials say there is no need for new traffic lights or other controls on the road, and are reverting to a recommendation for a school zone while increasing the speed limit on the bulk of Saliman Road.

The proposal up for consideration at Wednesday's Carson City Regional Transportation Commission would set the speed limit at 35 mph from Fairview Drive to Robinson Street, 25 mph from Robinson Street to Long Street, and 15 mph when school is in session.

Planners also recommend installing school zone signs with flashing lights and off-setting the crosswalk so foot-bound students have to zig and zag once while crossing the street so drivers and walkers can see one another better.

"It allows drivers to see who is coming down the road and allows pedestrians to eyeball the drivers," said Carson City Transportation Planner Michael Dulude.

In order to lessen the growing traffic load placed on Saliman Road, transportation planners are also recommending the Carson City School District create another access to Carson High from a different road.

If you go

What: Carson City Regional Transportation Commission meeting

When: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Where: Sierra Room of the


Center, 851

E. William St.


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