A very special day is the outdoors is just around the corner

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Saturday, Nov. 5 is going to be a very special day in the lives of a large number of would-be, big game hunters in Nevada, including yours truly.

That is the day that big game management area Nos. 192, 194, 195, 196, 201-206, 211, 212, 261-268, 271, 272 and 291, all located in the western portion of the state, open for the Nevada 2005 rifle mule deer hunting season.

Those management areas which surround Carson City are:

Area 192:

This is the greater Genoa area: Which is bounded by U.S. 50 on the north, U.S. 395 on the east and California on the west.

Generally the best hunting success is found in the heavy timber in the Spooner Summit area or along the top, between Spooner Summit and the Kingsbury Highway.

This high mountain area is also great for coming across an occasional black bear and Blue Grouse.

Area 195:

The Virginia City area: Bounded by U.S. 395 on the west, U.S. 50 on the south, U.S. Alt. 95 on the east and I.R. 80 on the north.

Area No. 195 is hard to hunt because of the many dirt roads criss-crossing the entire area and lots of vehicles driving up and down those roads, making the deer very spooky. You sure won't be lonely if you drew a tag for here.

Areas 194-196 COMBINED:

The area west of Carson City and Reno: Bounded by U.S. 50 on the south, U.S. 395 on the east, and California on the west.

My favorite hunting area in all of the State of Nevada. Having been born and raised in Carson City, I know it like the back of my hand.

And, no, before you think of asking, I won't tell you the exact location of where we will be hunting.

Let me just say that it is between Carson City and Lake Tahoe.

Area 291:

The Pine Nut Mountains area: Bounded by U.S. 395 on the west, S.R. 208 on the south, U.S. Alt. 95 on the east and U.S. 50 on the north.

This general area is also tough to hunt, because of the thick Pinon pine trees and dry, parched conditions.

Walking in that country is like trying to walk blindfolded on a thick layer of Rice Crispies.

Very, very noisy!


My son Jim and I applied as a two-member party, this year, and we were lucky to finally draw rifle buck mule deer tags for Areas 194-196.

We have tried and tried and tried for many years to be able to hunt in 194-196, with no luck until we hit the jackpot this year.

It has been difficult to draw one of those hard-to-get tags, as there are not that many available and a whole bunch of eager applicants.

Well, now that we have two of those tags, we can return to hunt an area that we have not hunted for some 20 years.

Prior to the advent of the quota system for receiving hunting tags, we hunted every year, for many years, in this part of Nevada.

My largest buck ever, a very nice 6X4, came from the headwaters of Clear Creek, way up the mountainside near the summit.


Being able to finally return to 194-196 brings back memories of previous hunts including:

1. Camping near the headwaters of Clear Creek with Dick Biggs and Ray Schultz of Carson City, drinking numerous Manhattans, eating barbecued steaks and telling stories around a crackling campfire.

2. Taking shelter from a sudden snowstorm under a thick, bushy tree and peering through the heavy snowfall at the legs of deer walking past without being able to see whether they were does or bucks.

3. Getting my buck (A nice 4X4) one morning and being back home in Carson City before 10 a.m.

4. Being in the last vehicle of the year to drive out of the Marlette Lake area in a fierce snowstorm (In the years when you could do so) and barely making it back to the main highway.

5. Wondering what a large, tan-colored dog was doing, walking in the thick forest above Washoe Valley, before it dawned on me, I was actually watching a mountain lion.

6. Hunting high above Carson City on the mornings of the Nevada Day Parade and being able to hear the bands play as they marched down Carson St.


There will be 45 resident, 6 Non-Resident buck tags and 14 resident junior hunters in areas 194-196.

I would like to wish all 65 of them the best of luck in their up-coming hunts...provided Jim and I get our bucks first.

• Bet Your Favorite Pigeon

Bet your favorite pigeon he can't tell you when our rifle deer hunting season ends in areas 194-196.

If he grins and says, "That 2005 rifle buck deer season runs until Dec. 4," he, too, could have one of those hard-to-get deer tags.

• Don Quilici is the Outdoors editor for the Nevada Appeal.


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