The first year of parenting

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The first year of parenting is more important than most people think. Child development specialists have long known what science is now validating. Individuals develop physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.

The interaction of snuggling, cooing and playing peek-a-boo provide an infant with the positive stimulation his/her brain needs for healthy development. Reduction of stressful situations for the parent helps keep negative stimulation away from the evolving infant. Studies of the brain confirm how crucial it is to provide a loving atmosphere for bonding and play with an infant.

When an infant's basic needs are met, such as changing the diaper when wet, feeding the baby when he's hungry, and rocking him when he is distressed the parent is providing the first building block in the baby's personality, that of trust. Healthy emotional and social growth begins with the development of trust.

Start your journey down the path of parenting by enjoying every moment with your infant. Hold him, sing to him, love him and you will be providing a positive foundation for life.

Save this Saturday for The Family Support Council of Douglas County's Open House to raise the awareness for the Prevention of Child Abuse through Education. For details or any parenting questions or concerns, call us a 782-8692

Family Support Council is funded by private donations as well as grants from The Smallwood Foundation, Nevada Children's Trust and Family to Family Connection.

n Parents' Corner is provided by The Family Support Council of Douglas County, 782-8692.


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