Christmas is all about family

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There is a chill in the air and decorations are going up throughout our neighborhood. It seems like there are more outside decorations this year than ever before. Have you taken a drive through Ruhenstroth in the evening to enjoy them? If not, try to find the time to take a road trip around our streets - perhaps going down a different street on your way home and on your way out during the day. The decorations are absolutely beautiful and when we look over the neighborhood, they really stand out.

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that a suggestion had been made for a decorating contest. We are working toward that goal and will probably be doing the judging between Dec. 18-20. There will be a pick for the best overall and one or two others based on theme or originality. If you have any information or suggestions, please contact me at the numbers listed below.

This Christmas is going to be very special. Our three children, Jay in Jacksonville, Fla.; Shannon in Cold Springs, Nev.; and Randy in Portsmouth, Va., will all be home together for the first time in seven years. Our grandson, Anthony, 4 years old now and living in Guantanamo Bay, will also be here as will my husband's mother, Mary, and Aunt Joyce from North Carolina. We have a lot to be thankful for as both Randy and Shannon have returned from Kosovo and Afghanistan safe and sound and because Anthony and his mother, Tia, were safe after Hurricane Katrina and were able to be transferred to Cuba shortly after the disaster. Mary is 83, still healthy and active in volunteering and gardening.

The excitement surrounding the anticipation of their arrival the week of the 17th is a mixed bag of joy and sadness. Sadness because my mother, who dearly loved decorating and shopping and wrapping and all that is a part of this season will not be here to laugh and see the joy in a child's face as he/she looks with wonder at the decorations and wrapped gifts, and hopefully snow, and anticipates Christmas morning. As I carefully unwrap the decorations that she bought over the years, I remember Christmases past and cherish those memories as I look forward to the new memories we create each and every year.

However you choose to celebrate this time of year-whether it be Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or any other way-please take the time to be kind to your neighbors and the strangers you meet; and as always have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Warning to those with small pets or animals (cats, chickens, etc.): Coyotes have been seen quite regularly this past week. Sometimes they are successful as they return to their dens with someone's pet and others times they are not so "lucky." Be sure to protect your pets and animals and provide them with a way to get out of the weather and danger.

Have a ramblin' good week.

n To reach Gail Davis, e-mail or call 265-1947.


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