Students give gallons of blood

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The students at Douglas High School put on their annual blood drive on Tuesday. The school collected 63 pints with the help of students, staff and the United Blood Service.

The United Blood Service is hosting two more blood drives today at the Carson Valley Medical Center from 8 a.m.-a.m. and Saturday at Carson Valley Middle School from 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

"This is usually something Douglas does once a year," said Steve Gustafson, teacher at Douglas High School. "But we are thinking about possibly doing another one in the spring."

The high school has certain requirements for each student who would like to give blood. The student must be at least 17 years old and has to have a parent signature.

If the student is 18, they can sign the papers themselves. Certain weight and history questions are also asked.

"I wanted to help people," said DHS senior Ryan Fore. Donating blood is a life-saving technological advancement that allows people with the same blood type to give blood to those who are lacking.

"There are just so many other people who need it more than I do," said Lisa Gourlay, also a Douglas High senior. "That is why it is important for me to give blood."

For information about scheduling a blood donation or organizing a blood drive call (480) 946-4201.