Christian Center, neighbors make deal

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A request by Carson Valley Christian Center to change the zoning at the site of their church on Stephanie Way from forest and range to public facility was dropped, following an agreement between residents and church officials.

As long as neighbors support the special use application required for additional student and worship centers, Christian Center officials agreed to rescind their application for the zoning change, said Pastor John Jackson.

"We always wanted to be good neighbors, but at the same time, we want to fulfill the vision of the church," he said. "We think this is a win-win agreement."

Initiated by church officials to expand their facilities, the proposal would have changed zoning on 38.8 acres.

"As long as the church seeks special use permits for the development they described, none of us in the neighborhood have objections," said neighborhood spokesman Bill Ramsden.

Church officials talked about a new worship center, non-commercial book store and coffee shop and possibly a learning and education facility, he said.

"Our biggest goal was to avoid public facility zoning. Once that is changed, the property would be at risk for more development indefinitely."

Public facility zoning allows for a number of other uses, like hospitals, increasing the land value significantly. Once the property has been re-zoned, nothing in Douglas County's zoning ordinance can prevent these other uses.

Neighbors feared the proposed zoning change would mean more development and traffic congestion, but educating them on the proposal has reassured them, Jackson said.

"I wanted to mitigate that as soon as possible," Jackson said. "I'll be doing the same with Douglas County staff, so they know what's being built on the property."

The Christian Center is working with engineering firm R.O. Anderson and Pat Clark of Building Concepts on a design for their new student and mission centers. The plans should be ready in a few months, Jackson said.

"Then we'll forward the plans to the county with an application for a special-use permit," he said. "At that time, we expect support from our neighbors."

n Susie Vasquez can be reached at or 782-5121, ext. 211.


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