Exotic colors, reception, whole new look for Gardnerville gallery

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The East Fork Gallery is going through a dramatic face lift during the next few weeks. Gallery president Jo Linda Smith, along with Gallery Director Margaret Biggs and all the other gallery members, have taken turns, paint brush in hand to give the gallery a newer, more modern look.

Beige walls have slowly given way to deep rich shades of green, rusty red and yellow ochre with exotic names like "fig" and "Hawaiian cinder." Smith helped accent the decor with rich tapestry fabrics. New lighting has been installed to offer a more natural light to complement the artwork and track lighting will be in place in a few weeks as well.

The gallery members have been working long hours to complete the makeover and the transition is near completion. New artwork will be up by March 15 with the theme, "Is it Spring Yet?" A Grand Reopening Reception will take place on March 26 from noon to 5 p.m.

The East Fork Gallery is located in The Record-Courier Center, 1503 Highway 395, Gardnerville. The gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call 782-7629.


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