Calling all seniors

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Sid Hayes, site director, and committee members met last week to work on their objectives for the senior center.

The group plans on publishing a new monthly newsletter for all seniors in the valley. The newsletter will provide up-to-date information on services and an ongoing calendar of local events that will help keep seniors informed. Valley seniors are encouraged to call the center with their mailing information at 495-2323 so they will be sure to be included in the newsletter mailing list.

The committee also hopes to generate lists of seniors who have specific needs so they can be matched up with the correct help in a timely manner. There are county and state services now available and this will help to facilitate the success of those services. A web site is also planned so new and established residents can easily stay informed. Some of the ideas discussed were; scheduled card and game times, a book club, hobbies and art classes, trips and one long-term vision was a gift shop with handmade items available for sale. Volunteers and interested residents are most welcome to give their ideas and input at the next meeting 3 p.m. March 13 at the Senior Center. Come help make the senior center a vibrant and fun place to be for all residents.

Remember that lunches are available Monday through Fridays at the senior center with a 24-hour advance reservation appreciated. For seniors the cost for lunch is $2, $3.50 will be charged for non-seniors.

Commodities are also given out at the center on the third Tuesday of the month. The public health nurse from Mammoth comes bi-monthly, on the second and fourth Thursday, to take blood pressure, but she may need to change her schedule so check with Sid. The CARE Center from Bishop also conducts a monthly caregiver support group at the Walker Senior center on the third Tuesday of the month at 1pm. This week's topic was, "Working with your doctor."

The Antelope Valley Thrift Store (at the other end from the senior center) is still looking for a talented person to become manager for the thrift store and recycling center. The job is 30 hours weekly and job application forms are available at the store. There are hardworking volunteers there who graciously donate their time, but a manager is most needed. All the proceeds from this organization benefit the valley.

Medicare prescription benefits to be discussed

Seniors, if you are confused about the Medicare prescription benefits (and who isn't), Med Direct is giving a free presentation for area residents. Joel Lass will discuss the Medicare Plan D on Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the new Med Direct facility at Holbrook Junction. Refreshments will be provided and RSVPs are appreciated. Call 885-4695.

Many thanks to local clubs and residents

Bill Tichenor, ski coordinator for Coleville Schools, is happy to thank the local clubs and residents who have so generously supported this year's ski program. Thanks to the donations many more students can now take advantage of the program so they too can have the opportunity to join in on the fun and learn a lifetime individual sport. A big thank you goes out to Antelope Valley Lions Club, Antelope Valley Womens Club, Antelope Elementary PTO, Beta Sigma Phi, Rodney and Betty Jo Brown and the Mile High Restaurant in Walker. The schools are happy to report that students have already skied three times and there have been no broken bones.

Grand prize raffle tickets available

Beta Sigma Phi grand prize raffle tickets are now on sale. The grand prize is a choice of a trip to Las Vegas or a Visa card with a $500 limit. The ticket will be drawn on March 11 at the annual corned beef dinner made by members of the local Beta Sigma Phi. The grand prize tickets are $2 each or three for $5. The winner need not be present for the drawing. The dinner is an excellent way to get your corned beef fix and is always delicious. The proceeds go toward funding the annual Coleville High School Scholarship fund and various other community projects.

n Marilyn Portman can be reached by e-mail at


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