Douglas family finds way onto television

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Not only did Topaz resident John Flaherty's grandson, Trevor Toomey, make his television debut on Sunday's America's Funniest Home Videos, but some of the old man's work has made it on the tube as well.

John, who is a butcher for the Gardnerville Scolari's, is a great photographer and he sent me a sunset accentuated with color rings, which should appear in today's edition on page 2.

The very same photo appeared on Mike Alger's weather report on Monday and then Alger reran it on Tuesday, saying he had more response for John's picture than any other he's ever had on the show.

Nice shootin' Tex.

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Nancy Miluck's memorial service filled the Genoa Town Hall on Sunday as her friends and family recalled her life.

Dan Hickey presided over the service and in addition to Nancy's daughter Mary Grace, friends Judie Brierly, Marion Vasser, Laurie Hickey, Stan Paher and George Keele spoke.

The Hickeys, Betty Bourne and Barbara Florman helped organize the service.

Herb Witt stood up to speak for the audience. It was a wonderful ceremony and helped us all say good-bye to a person who had already become the stuff of legend.

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Gardnerville 18-year-old Nikki Villoria gathered up her donation boxes for her Help for the Holiday food, clothing and toy drive and delivered the material to Abbey Crossing Shelter for battered women and children on Dec. 23.

Nikki's one-woman charity drive had boxes in businesses all over the Valley and she said the donations will be used throughout the year by those who take refuge at Abbey Crossing.

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The Record-Courier officially said farewell to former R-C Sports Editor Dave Price last week with some reminiscing over lunch.

As Dave related in the column we ran last week, he has been working in Northern Nevada for nearly 30 years.

When I took my seat next to Davie in 1989, he'd already been working at The R-C for nine years. He came to work for The R-C from the Tahoe Daily Tribune in 1980. Tom Wixon interviewed him in a restaurant during the Harvey's bombing.

"The waitress comes up to us and says 'I shouldn't have put you next to the window,'" he said with a chuckle.

Dave was still at The R-C when I left for the Nevada Appeal in 1996, but he came to Carson not long afterwards. Technically, since he was filling in for sports editor Joey Crandall, who was on vacation when I came back to The R-C, he was sitting here when I got back.

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Dave handed me a note he said he wanted to get in somehow, but with his column done, it will be up to me.

He said his favorite quote was from Craig Berger, who was playing for the Tiger basketball team in 1993.

"My dad (Joel Berger) has always told me to make other people look good and that's what I've always tried to do," Craig said. "I've found that if you make other people around you look good, you'll end up looking decent, too."

That pretty much summed up Dave Price, too.

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Those who haven't seen photographer Shannon Litz for a while might note she's shorn her braids.

Shannon cut a foot of hair off and donated it to Locks of Love for the third time, bringing her up to a yard of hair for the charity that makes wigs for children with cancer.

n Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.cor or 782-5121, ext. 215.


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