Time to prepare for wildfires

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A downed power line coming to rest on a barbed wire fence behind The Roadhouse and adjacent mobile home park at Holbrook Junction sparked the small wild land fire which was quickly contained and extinguished by responding units from Topaz stations 4 and 5 on Wednesday. An old power line and wind were the stated causes by Assistant Fire Chief Chuck Fields.

"No structures were harmed," Fields said as he discussed the details of the potentially dangerous situation that was contained to approximately a 60-foot burn.

Seven units, including brush trucks 1 and 77 from Gardnerville, responded to the 5:30 p.m. reported fire. Other units, ready to respond, were called off as the first responders had the situation under control, even in the face of high afternoon winds typical to the Holbrook area.

All of this to serve as a reminder of the apparent fire danger we all will be facing this fire season. Summer heat is drying the over abundance of weeds and cheat grasses growing from a very wet winter season. Fire danger is high this season and we all need to be vigilant to that fact. It is not too late to clear the areas around our homes and create necessary defensible space around structures on our property. Unforeseen situations like the broken power line can happen anywhere at any time. The absence of combustible vegetation near our homes could make the difference of success or failure in saving structures. A little hard work on the part of all of us in the beginning can prevent a heartbreaking result in the end and the thought of "If only I had done..." will not be a part of a wild land fire situation. It is up to all of us to make our community a safe place to live and as I have been told by many fire department personnel, they defend the property most easily defended first.

Another roll over accident happened at the intersection of Pearl Road and Highway 395 Wednesday. Having taken that turn numerous times in the past, I know how easily it can happen. Coming down Highway 208, cars are coming fast behind you and there is no turn lane to get out of the way. It is time for a change. Speak your mind and step up to the plate. Turn lanes are needed into TRE and this is something we can achieve from the state. See Ole Chavez at the Topaz Ranch Water Company and see what we can all do to make a difference in our community.

On a lighter note, it is golf time again. Got golf? It's back. Time for Topaz Joe's second "Not Necessarily Annual" Golf Tournament which will take place Saturday, Sept. 23 at the Carson Valley Golf Club. It will be a four-man scramble which will include 18 holes of golf with cart and a great barbecue and party afterwards at Topaz Joe's Grill and Bar for only $70 per player. Excellent prizes will be awarded for "Closest to the Pin" and "Longest Drive." So get a team together and if you can't, sign up with the bartender at Joe's and you will be placed with a team. After the event a grand-prize drawing will take place at the barbecue for a brand new set of golf clubs complete with bag and head covers. Anyone can win this prize. Time to dust off those clubs and get ready for some serious fun. For more information or to sign up for the event, go see Joe (or the bartender.)

At Topaz Lodge and Casino there will be entertainment for the next two weekends. Joanie Lee and Branding Iron returns this weekend followed by the ever-popular Motifs the following weekend. Great music and a wonderful time.

Until next weekend, keep on keepin' on.

n Jonni Hill can be reached through The Record-Courier at jhill@recordcourier.com or by calling 782-5121, ext. 213, or after hours at JHILL47@aol.com


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