Lower end of the chain

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After being awakened in the middle of the night several times by screaming smoke alarms when there was no fire and repeatedly re-setting clocks and the answering machine, I decided to go to the source with my questions. Since everyone I talked to here has the same problem with power surges, etc., I felt it was time to ask Sierra Pacific about it. I spoke with Mark Newman of the Engineering Department in Carson City. His explanation was definitely not what any of us wants to hear. He says that Walker is at the south end of one of the transmission systems for Sierra Pacific; therefore, we are the victims of anything that happens between us and the power source. It's sort of like being at the bottom of the food chain, as I understood it. He says that if a bird somewhere north of us messes with the line or anything else that minor happens, the system does a "correction," which shuts your power down for a second or two but not totally off. This is what causes our constant need to reset clocks, etc. I asked if there is anything that could be done to stop this problem, and his answer was that only underground lines would prevent it, but that is too expensive. So I gave up on finding solutions, since they aren't offering any. His comment was that what happens to us is part of the price you pay for living in a rural area. Oh, well - good luck to all of us, I guess.

Fire Commission

The Antelope Valley Fire Commission met on July 12. One of the items discussed and approved was the purchase of a new computer to replace the very old one they now have. In addition, new software will be purchased that is specific to the operation of fire departments and their record-keeping. There was also discussion, which will be continued at their next meeting, about the installation of water tanks in areas for protection of nearby properties. Their next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 9 and will be open to the public.

Fishing Derby

Good news. There is still time and the opportunity to catch a big fish and win some of the prizes. The "How Big Is Big" derby will continue until July 31, and there will be another plant of 2-pound to 6 1/2-pound trout on July 20. Go for it, and good luck.

School schedule

Summer school began this Monday at the elementary/middle school and will continue until Aug. 8. The hours are 8-11:30 a.m., with a snack provided. The teacher is Doris Duffie. Regular classes will begin on Sept. 6 (two days after Labor Day).

This and That

n Last week I mentioned the RPAC study groups being formed. The Mono County General Plan as it currently exists is the County's vision of where they plan on taking us. If you are interested in giving input on it and whether it should be amended regarding our area, either contact me per the information following this column, or attend the next RPAC meeting Aug. 3 at 7 p.m. at the Walker Community Center.

n Please remember to get in touch with me if there is anything happening in our Valley that you would like to let people know.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@gbis.com or (530) 495-2552.


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