Senior center will be serving meals

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After last week's Antelope Valley News had gone to press, due to the persistent efforts of Mono County Supervisor "Hap" Hazard, IMAAA (the agency in charge of meals) reversed their previous decision and said the meal service will be open for the week of June 26-30. If so, that is good news for those who depend on the service, and we all should appreciate Mr. Hazard's efforts on their behalf. Since this column's deadline is before June 26, it might be wise to confirm service availability with the senior center at 495-2323. The kitchen and center will be closed on July 4 for the holiday, but scheduled to be open the rest of that week.

Busy holiday

From July 1 through July 4, there are so many events happening in Bridgeport for us to enjoy. In addition to the 5-mile run and 3-mile walk, mud volleyball, and the ATV raffle, there are many more things to see and do, including - the Bridgeport Rodeo July 2 and 3 at 2:30 each day, the July 4 parade (with our Lions Club having a float), and a concert by Brenn Hill at the Bridgeport Ranch & Barn on July 2 at 7:30 p.m. The local Lions Club will also be doubling as bartenders at the Ranch & Barn that evening. For other events that weekend, their times and locations, call the Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce at (760) 932-7500.

West Walker River Fishing Derby

The sixth annual fishing derby will kick off July 1 and run through July 31. Merchants from Walker to Topaz Lodge participate in this event every year, with lots of prizes for the lucky fishermen. There will be a special stocking of trout in the river, sponsored by the Northern Mono Chamber of Commerce. Sizeable fish should be taken to the Walker General Store for weigh-in, and you can check what has already been brought in.

Mountain Gate Park project update

Things have really been moving forward with our renovation of Mountain Gate Park. Last week, the county jail provided an inmate crew for two days, to do some of the heavier work. They really accomplished a lot in just those two days. Their work has really kept us on schedule for our Community Help Day on July 8. We'll be able to make a lot of progress that day. Please mark down the date and try to be there to help beautify the entrance to our Valley. Lunch will be provided to volunteers, compliments of the Antelope Valley Lions Club and RPAC. Please remember, though - no small children, pets or alcohol, for pretty apparent reasons. We'll start at 8 a.m. and hope to see you there. Bring a chair and whatever soft drinks you want - we'll provide cold bottled water.

This and That

n Tomorrow the Coleville Library is scheduled to receive a new children's computer and work station through a grant from IBM. Mono County Friends of the Library member, Dennis Lindsay, facilitated the grant and will install the computer. It contains educational programs (math, geography, etc.) for kids from pre-school to ages 7 or 8. This is a real plus for our local youngsters, and we are among the first libraries to receive one.

n The Antelope Valley Lions Club holds its regular meetings on the first Saturday of every month at 7 a.m. at NayDawg's Restaurant. The next meeting is July 1. If you are interested in the club and its many activities, you are invited to attend any of these meetings.

n There is a need for more people to become interested and participate in the Antelope Valley Fire Safe Council. The council works with the community to decrease the chances of having devastating property and home fires due to vegetation on or around our properties (such as those fires we have had in the not-too-distant past). Please call Jeff at 495-2731 or Lynne at 495-2552 for more information and/or to join the council. Also, be looking for educational materials in your mailbox soon.

n The Walker Senior Center has a bus trip planned for July 16. They will be going to see "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" at the Civic Hall in Minden. Contact the center at 495-2323 or Michelle at 495-1195, to make your reservation.

n With all the activities available to us and the warm weather forecast, it looks like it should be a great holiday weekend. Enjoy!

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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