James Settelmeyer, Assembly District 39

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Party: Republican

Place of Residence: Gardnerville

Occupation: Rancher

Age: 35

Contact information:


Incumbency: Candidate for office

Education: California Polytechnic State University, San Louis Obispo, Bachelor of Science, March 1994, Agriculture Education.

Concord Law School, completed contracts, civil procedure, constitutional law, criminal law criminal procedure, torts and property law courses.

Record of service:

n Chairman, Nevada State Conservation Commission, appointed and re-appointed by Governor Guinn

n Chairman, Carson Valley Conservation District, Elected by the landholders of Carson Valley

n Volunteer Teacher, Jack's Valley Elementary School, I help my daughter's Kindergarten class every Friday.

n Graduate, Leadership Douglas County 1998, I have also been a facilitator of this program every year since graduating

n Outstanding Young Farmer, Nevada State, 2003, awarded by the American Jaycees.

n Eagles in Agriculture. I have been presenting this program since its inception

n Coach, FFA Livestock Judging Team

n Coach, 4-H Livestock Judging Team

n Founding father, Farmhouse Fraternity, Nationally known non-alcoholic fraternity

n Member, California Agricultural Teacher's Association


n Cal Poly Dean's List

n American Farmer Degree, FFA

n Western Zone Treasure, FFA

n Carson Valley Chapter Officer, FFA

n Presidential Academic Fitness Award

Platform: I am the only candidate who has the experience of walking and working the halls at the capital addressing state concerns for over half of the last decade.

To me there are certain challenges to Nevada's future, some of which are:

1. Government size-It seems that every time we turn around, it is growing at a rate in excess of the population. To grow it only needs food, your tax dollars.

2. Taxes-The government keeps increasing taxes. If elected I will do my best to keep government and taxes down and eliminate waste in the system.

3. Surplus- The State will likely have another record $500,000,000 surplus. There are those who wish to spend it by growing the government with new employees and new departments. To me we should address existing issues.

4. Unfunded Liability- The State has made obligations that it has not taken care of. An example would be the Judge's pension. It is estimated that to fully fund the plan will require 20 million, if not it will cost us 200 million in the future. I feel we should spend a little of the surplus now, to keep from spending more of our tax dollars later. The estimated total unfunded liability of the state, by conservative estimates, is about 10 billion dollars.

5. Conservation efforts-It goes without saying that I believe in stewardship of the land; not just for me but the generations of my blood before me. The State has a great need to manage its precious natural resources. I feel particularly well suited for that task. We can save more land with a pen than a shovel.


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