Two races official on first filing day

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Two races became official during the first day of filing for political office in Douglas County.

Both East Fork Justice Peace Jim EnEarl and challenger Minden attorney Kelly Chase arrived at the Douglas County Clerk's Office to file for East Fork Justice Court before 9 a.m.

While officially opening at 9 a.m., Clerk Barbara Griffin Reed went ahead and opened the doors for the two men, who were cordial as they filled out the paperwork to get on the ballot.

Douglas County Commission District 2 hopeful Lloyd Higuera joined the 9 a.m. rush to file while incumbent Dave Brady filed later Monday morning.

The first two candidates to sign up for office on Monday were Douglas County Clerk Barbara Griffin Reed and East Fork Constable Paul Gilbert, as expected.

Both Gilbert and Reed signed up before the official opening of the clerk's office as part of a long-standing tradition recognizing the longest-serving county officials. Gilbert has been constable since 1982 and Reed has been clerk-treasurer since 1986.

Deputy District Attorney Mark Jackson was the third candidate to file after the clerk's office opened. Seeking the office of district attorney, Jackson was glad the office opened early so he could file before district court started at 9 a.m.

After Jackson, candidates started to gather in the Minden Inn's lobby to sign up for office.

Minden-Gardnerville Sanitation District trustee Jerome Etchegoyhen Sr. filed along with Minden Town Board member Bob Hadfield.

Hadfield said this will be his sixth and last term on the town board.

"Ross (Chichester), Dave (Sheets) and I are all term-limited out," he said.

Sheriff Ron Pierini, school board trustee Connie Wennhold, Tahoe Township Richard Glasson, Assessor Doug Sonneman, Gardnerville Town Board member Jerry Smith and Public Administrator Lynne EnEarl all filed before 9:20 a.m.

Also filing on Monday were Recorder Werner Christen and Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District trustees Al Wagner and Bruce Reavis, Area 7 Douglas County School Board trustee Keith Roman, county commission district 4 candidate Janet Murphy, Indian Hills General Improvement District trustee Riley Evans and Minden Gardnerville Sanitation District trustee Michael Henningsen.


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