I used to go to church

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Greetings, I hope you are finding this new warm weather in Carson Valley to your liking. I'm sure you've noticed, of course, that lots of things happen when this great sunny weather returns. The flowers start to blossom, trees get their new leaves, the grasses green up, and last but not least, a million weeds spring up everywhere they're not wanted. That's just a part of the nature of things, isn't it?

Ya know, I run into people all the time that tell me, "Oh, I used to go to this church or that church, but I don't any more." After we talk for a little while, I usually come to understand that something unfavorable happened at their church that hurt them or offended them, so they left, and many stop going to church altogether.

I think that sometimes we forget that churches are filled with people just like you. Smile now. They have their strengths, gifts, good personality point, etc., etc. But also, they have their bad personality points, weaknesses, idiosyncrasies that might be unfavorable to others. It's easy to forget this fact, but I'm sure you agree with me that it's true. That's just a part of the nature of things, isn't it? Sometimes we all need to be reminded that there is a difference between the pursuit of righteousness and the attitude of being "holier than thou" that hurts people rather than blesses them. It's kinda funny how that works.

Could I encourage you to consider forgiving those who have offended and hurt you? And, not because they necessarily deserve your forgiveness, but because it pleases God when you do. God will bless you for it. Learning to forgive and love others is a huge accomplishment and reflects the goodness and love of God in you. Forgiving is also one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself as well.

Please find a place to worship God and fellowship with those who love God. You probably won't find a perfect church, at least not around here, ha-ha, and not one with any perfect people in it but, there will always be lots of people there for you to give God's love and forgiveness to. Maybe that's what it's all about. I love this verse.

Ephesians 4:2: "Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love."


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