Lots of news in the valley this week

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n Antelope Valley Fire Commission:

The Antelope Valley Fire Commission's regular meeting is tonight at 6 p.m. at the Walker Fire Station. This meeting is open to the public. Among items on their agenda, they will be discussing and acting on applicants for the fire chief position.

n Candidates' night recap:

At least 80 people attended the public forum that the Women's Club and VFW Post 3567 provided on May 3 for voters to meet the five candidates for sheriff. All candidates stated that the valley's forum was the best-attended of all those they have participated in. Ten of the audience's questions were addressed to all of the candidates by moderator Mark Spencer. Each candidate gave a timed response to each question. The main issues addressed were their leadership skills, belief in the importance of the department's interaction with the communities served, and their desire for community volunteers to assist with tasks that might otherwise be eliminated by budget shortfalls. Hopefully, this was a help to people in deciding among the candidates.

n Antelope Valley Regional Planning Advisory Committee:

The regular monthly meeting of the Antelope Valley Regional Planning Advisory Committee was held May 4. Among the items discussed was the formation of general plan amendment study groups. These would focus on different aspects of the valley and improvements to them. Some of the possible topics are "tourism attraction" (river enhancement, fishing sites, etc.), "wildfire safety," "development management" and development of home businesses. These groups will be created at the next RPAC meeting on June 1. Cell towers have been approved for Nextel construction on property south of base housing in Coleville and another location at Devil's Gate. The U.S. Forest Service will attend the next meeting and discuss its plans for our area. Please mark June 1 on your calendar and plan to attend.

n Lion's Club speech contest results:

The district level speeches were given on April 29 in Bishop. Our local representative, Courtney Northington, gave her usual great speech, but was edged out for the championship by a boy from North Hollywood. Congratulations to Courtney for her success in the contest, winning through three levels of competition.

n Thanks from Antelope Valley Parent Teacher Organization:

The PTO's recent pancake breakfast and craft fair was a great success, and the organization would like to thank everyone who participated. They especially want to thank The Bridgeport Inn, Raley's, Costco, Albertson's and Sodexho (Mountain Warfare Training Center dining facility) for their donations of food and paper products. The Walker Community Center kindly loaned tables and chairs. A great raffle was held for over 20 baskets and other items, including theme gift baskets from classes K-7 and other theme baskets from generous and creative donors. Congratulations to all the winners of the raffle items.

n Mike Bruzzesi memories:

At the memorial and dedications for Mike on May 25 at the community park in Walker, there will be a handout with personal memories of him. The deadline to provide your own personal memories is May 15. They can be e-mailed to avssw@gbis.com or given to the thrift shop at the Walker Senior Center by that date.

n Good news from Flowers by Dianne:

Dianne is back to work at her shop, busily filling Mother's Day orders. She wants everyone to know that she is now cancer-free ... no further treatment needed. She is working on building up her strength and wants to again thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers during her ordeal.

n Volunteer Disaster Shelter workers needed:

In a press release dated May 3, the County Department of Social Services, working with the American Red Cross, is seeking people in all communities to become volunteer shelter workers. These people would assist in evacuation shelters throughout the county in time of disaster, such as flood, fire or earthquake. There is an eight-hour training class needed, which is planned for the near future. For further information, call Julie Timmerman, Mono County Social Services, at (760) 924-1793.

n Armed Forces Day lunch:

The Walker Senior Center is having a special lunch to celebrate Armed Forces Day on May 19 at noon. Everyone is invited. If you were in the armed forces, bring an old photo of yourself. Lunch for seniors will be $2.50 and $3.50 for non-seniors. Reservations are limited, so call Sid Hayes at (530) 495-2323 before May 17. Come and meet the veterans who served our country and enjoy a military lunch with them.

This and That

n Don't forget the important ladies in your life. Mother's Day is this Sunday.

n Sandra O'Hara is teaching an adult sewing class for people like me who are challenged in that area. The classes are Tuesdays at the Antelope Valley Elementary School from 3-6 p.m. The cost is only $10 per year.

n The Mountain Warfare Challenge Race will be held on May 20 at Pickel Meadows. On May 19 there will be a spaghetti dinner at Memorial Hall in Bridgeport. If you would like to volunteer to assist at either the dinner or race, call John or Bob at (760) 932-7380.

n Since it looks like we'll have a bumper crop of weeds this year, as our weather heats up and everything dries out, be sure to check your property for weeds and other flammables and get them dealt with right away.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@gbis.com or (530) 495-2552.


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