It's spring in Antelope Valley

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We waited for so long, it's hard to believe that spring has finally arrived. Everything is so fresh and alive, with trees getting their leaves almost overnight, lawns a bright green, and the return of the hummingbirds to our yards. The iris in our yard are such a gorgeous purple that it's hard to believe they're real. The beauty of the green hills and valley remind us that this is a great place to live.

Besides yardwork, I think there are only a few drawbacks to the arrival of spring. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose allergies have kicked up with all the new vegetation. Get your allergy medicine and hang in there. Also, I'm not bothered by the arrival of the lizards except for knowing that some snakes won't be far behind (not my favorite creature). Our dog, Richie, goes everywhere on our property with my husband so, to keep Richie safe, I got his snakebite shot a couple of weeks ago (husband is on his own). If you haven't already gotten the shot for your pet, I'd strongly recommend it. When we get through the spring runoff, the river will get back to normal for all the fishermen, so try to be patient. Enjoy our weather and don't let spring cleaning get you down.

Antelope Valley Fire Commission

The Fire Commission held their regular monthly meeting May 10 at the fire station. Several items from their agenda were discussed by the commissioners, fire department volunteers and members of the public. Some items covered were the purchase of some new equipment, workmen's comp insurance and the sale of three older vehicles. They said that the volunteers would receive Swift Water Rescue training from Mono Co. Search and Rescue. On May 25, the new rescue vehicle will be dedicated at Coleville High School at 5:30 p.m. They also announced that the department now has 13 volunteer firefighters. Four members of the department had applied and been interviewed by the commissioners for the fire chief position. They were Scott Sherlock, John Nygard, Ray Tems and Lee Sims. After the public portion of the meeting was adjourned, the commissioners held a closed session to make a selection. Raymond Tems was selected by them and is our new Fire Chief. Until September, he will be assisted by Chief Mike Booher of the Bridgeport Fire Department. Congratulations, Chief Tems.

Antelope Valley Senior Center

On May 10, the Antelope Valley Senior Center held their regular monthly meeting. Everyone present noticed the very attractive handmade items that have been donated for the new gift shop. They will still need more for their display and for sale, so don't forget the shop if you are creative (unlike me). Also, if you can volunteer to assist with any of their projects for seniors, please call Marlene at 495-2955.

Spring Fling

Plan to attend this year's Spring Fling Saturday and Sunday. It'll be fun for the whole family. There will be a flea market and craft fair in addition to some good food and drink, a bounce house, face painting and a raffle for three wonderful prizes. The hours are Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Walker Spring Fling Blood Drive

On Sunday, a Blood Drive will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Mountain View BBQ lot. Help save someone's life with your donation. Call Sue at 495-1802 for an appointment.

Local singer on stage

Amber Hershey, a senior at Coleville High School and a very gifted singer, will be in San Juan Capistrano from May 22-25, preparing for the Golden State Singers' performance at the Disneyland Hotel on May 26 for an academic awards banquet. Since I can't carry a tune, I really appreciate and envy her talent.

This and that

n The Mountain Warfare Challenge - spaghetti dinner is Friday at Bridgeport Memorial Hall, and the 10K race is Saturday at noon at Pickel Meadows.

n Armed Forces Day lunch is at the senior center this Friday at noon. Reservations must be made by today at 495-2323.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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