Women's club installs officers

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New officers for the coming year were installed at a luncheon on May 18, at the Club's last meeting until September. They are: Frances Rich, president; Cindy Harvey and Marylin Portman, co-vice presidents; Ann Maiforth, secretary; and Nancy Sims, treasurer.

School softball team in state tourney

The Coleville High School girl's softball team qualified for the state tournament, held in Wells on May 19 and 20. They played and won their way through the competition, to the championship game. They finished in second place, handing the winning team, Carlin, their only loss of the tournament in the semi-final game. We're proud of the team and coach Debie Bush for a good job in tough competition.

Annual Spring Fling

The Spring Fling is always a great place to go to see good crafts, browse a flea market, visit with friends and have some good food. This year was no exception. As always, the Chamber of Commerce put together a good show for everyone in the family. The booths had a great variety of good things, both crafts and flea market items. The bounce house was a big hit with the kids, and when you needed a break, the Lions Club barbecued hamburgers and hot dogs hit the spot. The wet weather held off until Sunday, but it was still fun anyway. Congratulations to the winners of the raffle prizes - a "to die for" stainless gas barbecue, a gorgeous turquoise necklace from Out West Gallery and a stay at Tahoe Ridge or a spa day at Walley's Hot Springs and Resort in Genoa.

Spring Fling blood drive

Unfortunately, Sunday's weather slowed down the turnout, but there were still many very generous people who participated to help others.

A busy evening at the schools

Thursday, starting at 5:30 p.m., at the Coleville schools:

The elementary school will be having an end-of-the year open house with an art show of works by students in grades K-5. Their work is being judged as in a regular show, and will be on display for us all to see their talent.

Beginning at the same time and continuing through the evening, the Antelope Valley Fire District will be honoring our volunteer firefighters. Fire-fighting vehicles and equipment will be on display. There will be cake and punch, as well as balloons and goodie bags for the kids. So come and see the vehicles and volunteers who protect us and our homes.

VFW Post 3567 has a lot going on

Friday through Sunday, the Veterans of Foreign Wars will have its annual yard sale next door to the Walker Mini Mall. This group supports the VA Hospital and Spouse House in Reno, as well as the Veteran's Home in Barstow. For donations or pick up, call 495-2149 or 495-2132. All donations are welcome.

Together with the Coleville schools and the U.S. Marine Corps, they will conduct a Memorial Day service at the Antelope Valley Cemetery in Coleville on Tuesday, May 30 at 9 a.m. The public is invited to participate in this annual event.

Plan ahead for free senior health fair

There will be a free afternoon health and service fair for all seniors at the Walker Community Park on June 2 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., sponsored by Mono County. There is no cost to attend the fair, and there will be a free barbecue lunch for seniors. The fair will consist of different service agencies for Mono County who provide for the senior population. Come to the park and find out what kind of help is available and enjoy the food and a live band playing. Some of the groups attending will be the Mono County Social Services Department, the Inyo Mono Area Agency on Aging, the Mono County Health Department, Community Service Solutions, and many others who provide senior services. For more information call Community Service Solutions 1-888-230-3811, Ext. 701 or 760-872-7604.

Antelope Valley Artists

The Antelope Valley Artists will meet at the Coleville Library on May 31 at 4 p.m. The public is more than welcome to attend, as they will be hanging a new exhibit of works by local artists. Refreshments will be served, and the artists will be there. Come and see the art work, the library and meet the artists.

This and That

n Memorial and dedications of bench and plaque in honor of Mike Bruzzesi will be tomorrow in the park at 1 p.m.

n On Memorial Day weekend there will also be yard sales taking place at homes throughout Walker. Be sure to check them out - you might find a treasure.

n The Red Hat Society ladies had a fun day trip to Truckee last week. They browsed the quaint shops there and just had a good time. If you are interested in joining the club, call Bobbie at 495-2433 for more info.

n The Antelope Valley Cemetery Committee thanks everybody who took part in Saturday's cleanup. They especially thank Chuck Evans who brought his front loader and filled in several sunken graves. They would like to remind everyone who is willing and able to do so, to clean up their cemetery plots before the May 30 service.

If the cost of gas isn't keeping you home this year, be careful out there on the highways. Have a great holiday.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at lynnekat@gbis.com or (530) 495-2552.


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