Waiting is over for two little girls

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For her court appearance Saturday, Miss Emma Jane Halling was a vision in pink.

She cooed and giggled, stretched and fussed, oblivious to the business going on around her as Kathleen and Brandt Halling of Fallon became her parents on paper as well as in their hearts.

Her adoption coincided with National Adoption Day and District Judge Dave Gamble opened his courtroom for Emma Jane's adoption as well as Monique Catherine Knackstedt, who turns 3 in January.

Emma Jane, 7 months old, has lived with the Hallings since she was 6 weeks old.

Monique has been living with the Knackstedts since she was 6 months old.

"One of the things I try to impress on families who adopt is something they already know," Gamble said.

"These children will never again be foster children or adopted children or children who would have lived in a place where their lives would not have been productive. From now on, they are your daughters."

Kathleen Halling fought back tears as she talked about what Emma's adoption meant to her family.

"Emma has always been our daughter whether it's on paper or not," she said.

The Knackstedts have been foster parents for 10 years and have three grown children.

Richard Allen Garcia, 32, attended the adoption Saturday of his new little sister.

"They're excited she's officially part of our family today," Sherry Knackstedt said of her sons.

Gamble talked briefly about the "terribly desperate life" of Monique's birth mother and the challenges she has overcome.

Of her three children, one is with the father, the Knackstedts have Monique and the birth mother has been reunited with her son.

Gamble said he keeps a drawing by the little boy in his office.

"This has been more triumphant than almost any case," Gamble said. "These three children now have healthy families."

Following the procedure, Gamble posed for pictures with the children and Monique tried out the judge's chair and gavel.

"This is one of the most special times I have as a judge," he told the families. "Thank you for being willing to give your life to a child."


For information on becoming adoptive or foster parents, call 1-888-423-2659 or visit the Department of Child and Family Services Web site at: www/dcfs.state.nv.us.


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