It's time to leave the past and look forward

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Carnegie Smokey wrote a guest opinion (The R-C Sept. 29) in response to a letter presented by Bill Driscoll dated Sept. 20 regarding the Minden siren.

I have known Mr. Smokey most of my 57 years, for I too have lived in this Valley for most of my life. I too believe that the Creator put us all here for a reason. We may not learn the answers as to why we were placed here on earth together until we pass on. Until then, we need to make the best of it. This letter is not to divide, but to defend.

The Minden siren should continue to sound as a reminder that the world has changed for the better and we need to all get along in our Valley.

Interesting article, Carnegie, but you must have had your "cranky pants" on while you were writing it. Great history and general information, but written with a very negative attitude. As a tribal leader you should strive to mend fences. I strongly support your continuing education of your proud heritage. It may be wise to cease the preaching of dislike for the Europeans to your future generations.

Mr. Smokey writes about adapting to the environment, yet at the end of his article he refuses to accept Mr. Driscoll's invite to join, or be a part of, and participate in Douglas County. Carnegie you write as though nothing has changed in the last 100 years. You did mention in your article that "no one is inherently better than someone else." You are correct. Get over it.

You describe a difference between "your society" meaning the Washoe people and the European society. Yes there is a difference and that is the way the Creator intended it to be for whatever reason. Each society has made unique contributions to the world and in general had the same opportunities for the pursuit of happiness. You have indicated that this land is not the land of opportunity for your people and that they are economically depressed. That's interesting because according to Brian Wallace the tribe is an economic machine that produces millions. Apparently Cliff Simpson and Kay Wyatt Simpson whose son, Loren Simpson is a medical doctor and a Washoe are not aware of the hardship you claim. Maybe you as a leader should take it upon yourself to inspire dedication and aspiration to your youth.

Mr. Smokey reminds the white society that murders have occurred in which the Washoe people have been the victims and I am sincerely sorry that he lost his son. He writes of Donny Wright and Brad Harris killing Dion James. He also writes of Michael Ward killing Jeffery John. What Mr. Smokey failed to mention and remind "the white society" is that Art Selman, Rocky Jim Jr. and Rhonda Jim were all convicted of taking another person's life and they are all Indians.

Carnegie, you point the finger and write how our civilization has defaced and destroyed your beautiful Valley. How about the mobile home lying on its side covered in graffiti at Double Spring Flat on Indian land. Since you have worked with the Washoe Tribe Government for 35 years, maybe you have enough influence to have the mobile home removed. That would be a community oriented gesture of good will.

Carnegie, you mentioned that the European people of Carson Valley have raped the land to the point of raising the temperatures. Really, where were you in February of 1989 when it was -24 degrees and December of 1990 when it was -22 degrees?

Carnegie, you answered Mr. Driscoll's invite with "I for one respectfully decline your generous offer to join, be part of, and participate in Douglas County."

Carnegie, I am convinced that you truly believe that the Creator blessed your people with "universal truths and values" as you so eloquently described in your article. Since you are declining the European offer to join in the community, I expect you stand on those values and not take advantage of any of the terrible European ideas and contributions. Therefore I expect you to not drive a car, watch television, listen to the radio, turn on your electric lights, fly in a jet, call on the telephone, turn on the home heater or air conditioning, use reading glasses to read this article, hunt with a rifle and certainly not use a computer and e-mail to promote your dislike of the Europeans. Theses are just a few of our contributions.

P.S. Thanks for the Obsidian arrowheads, duck decoys made of reeds, and baskets made of willows. I sincerely enjoy them.

n Lance Modispacher is a Minden resident and a retired Douglas County law enforcement officer.


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