Now, there's a fan

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A month or so ago, Daisy Mertzel and her dog, Percy, came through Walker in their motor home. While here, she went into the Walker Country Store and saw the rubber ducks available to adopt for the Oct. 15 race at the Walker Fall Festival. She thought it sounded like a lot of fun, so she bought duck No. 51. When she got home to Southern California, she had T-shirts and other items made to root for No. 51 - to lose the race. He would get a prize for losing, so she had quite a lot of fun with that idea. Then, Oct. 15, she and Percy drove back to Walker from down south, just to watch the duck race. She passed out stickers for spectators to wear on their shirts, that rooted for the duck to finish last. Unfortunately, her duck wasn't fast enough to win, nor slow enough to lose; but it was fun for Daisy, Percy, and all the people they met and got involved with at the festival. We hope she comes back next year.

Halloween carnival

Beta Sigma Phi sorority's annual Halloween carnival is 5-7 p.m. this Sunday at the Antelope Elementary School. Bring your kids for the costume parade and all the fun games they will have for them.

Antelope Valley Women's Club Bazaar

The Antelope Valley Women's Club Bazaar will begin noon Nov. 12 at the Walker Community Center. Dinner will be available from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at a cost of $9 for adults and $4 for children 10 and younger. Check out the vendors and crafts booths for Christmas gift ideas.

Antelope Valley Art Show

Also Nov. 12, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., across the street at the Walker Senior Center, the Antelope Valley Art Show will be going on. See the different types of original artwork and how the judges placed them. The deadline for an artist to apply is Saturday, and applications can be obtained from Gayle at (530) 495-2901.

Fire department update

Antelope Valley Volunteer Fire Department chief, Ray Tems, recently submitted his resignation. He felt that there wasn't sufficient time to do justice to that position, as well as his young family, and his profession. He will stay with the department as a volunteer. At this time, Scott Sherlock is the acting fire chief.

This and that

n Last week's California Highway Patrol presentation on older drivers and safety was well-attended and offered a lot of good pointers for them.

n I had some great fun this last weekend. For years, my husband and I bred and showed beagle dogs, so it was a compliment to be invited to judge the puppies and older dogs at the Blossom Valley Beagle Club show in Pleasanton, Calif., on Saturday. It is always so much fun to watch the puppies learning how to be show dogs and having such a good time at it. I guess I didn't do a horrible job, since the losers didn't tar and feather me. The ugly part of the trip was all the traffic in both the Sacramento and Bay areas. I couldn't believe it. The pretty part of the ride home was dropping down into the beautiful Hope Valley, with all of the fall colors on the trees. I was amazed at the number of artists there along the road, with their easels and paints, as well as the photographers shooting pictures of it all.

n 6 p.m. Oct. 28 there will be a free pasta dinner and town hall meeting at the Walker Community Center, sponsored by Bob Peters, candidate for supervisor. It's a chance to ask your questions of the candidate and discuss local issues.

n Remember to turn your clocks back Sunday night and enjoy an extra hour of sleep.

Get your pumpkins carved and be ready for all the goblins at your door Tuesday evening. Happy Halloween to all.

n Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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