The R-C Morning Report

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I measured two inches of snow on my car at 9 p.m. last night in Genoa. Nothing was sticking to the roads, but everything else was covered in a big blanket of white. Heavenly Valley reported 6-10 inches of new snow from the storm. It adds up to 15-21 inches of new snow over the past week.

The temperature dropped below freezing, so be careful on the roads this morning. There might not be white ice, but there could well be the black kind. There are traffic controls in all the old familiar places, including Kingsbury and Highway 50 up from Carson City. Chains are mandatory over Echo Summit and Donner Pass, and chains or snow tires are required over Carson Pass. Chains or snow tires are also required on Highway 395 from one end of Douglas County to the other and on Highway 88 south from Minden to the county line.

Douglas County budget hearings resume today at 4 p.m. The south county senior lunch program is on the chopping block. Other budget measures include raising fees at county parks and closing the library for an extra day a week.

The Indian Hills General Improvement District board of trustees meets at 7 p.m. today. Among the items on their agenda are solicitations for proposals to build an effluent pond bypass and the approval of a annual spring and summer yard improvement contest for the district. The board meets at its offices on James Lee Park Road.


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