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Librarians shelve books for a reason


I think it's a shame that the Minden library received some bad press via the opinion page. Having volunteered at a library I can tell you that all libraries ask that the patrons not reshelve their books.

The reason is that most people have absolutely no idea how the Dewey Decimal system works. And quite frankly many people don't realize that a book improperly reshelved is "lost." Have you ever gone to the library to find that the book you are looking for has been checked in but is not where it is supposed to be on the shelf?

This is most likely because it was improperly reshelved.

A book lost in this manner stays lost until a library page happens to notice it is not in it's correct place. It can be months or longer, much longer.

Most of the people who work or volunteer at libraries do so because of their love of books not because the pay is good - it's not.

I have found the people at the Minden library to be friendly, courteous and oh so helpful. Libraries are usually the last place to be funded be their municipalities.

They run on shoestring budgets and rely on volunteers and groups like the Friends of the Library to fill gaps in staff and funding.

Please be nice to these wonderful people.

Julie Burgard


Time we had our own cable service


By way of follow up to earlier letters in your publication, regarding the level of service, rates and erroneous charges by Charter Communications, I have new information to share. Like others have divulged, our home was being punished for having internet service only, to the tune of $10 per month. Deciding to add television to a different room, we opted to bite the bullet and ordered TV service from Charter. Guess what? They charged us $37 for the "change of service fee."

In contacting the county, which is responsible for managing the "franchise" for cable service, I was told that there is little or nothing that can be done, since no other cable service wants our business. It seems they all frown on the spread-out nature of our rural needs.

Perhaps it is time for our county leaders to investigate eminent domain, so that we might absorb the cable service infrastructure and profit accordingly. Then, and only then, will someone be held accountable that gives a rat's behind, about the quality of service and proper care of cable customers in Douglas County.

Rick Campbell


Teaching about trails in our area


On behalf of the Carson Valley Trails Association, I want to thank the community for generously supporting our recent "Hike for Health" celebration.

The funds raised at the event will support CVTA's work to access, build and maintain trails for all to enjoy. We also hope to develop a school outreach program to educate students about the wonderful trails in our area.

We are thrilled by the participation in our first children's poster art contest. We received 322 entries from students in grades 1-12.

We congratulate the contest winners, Kelsey Kjer, Dominique Groffman, Amanda Nelson, Wendy Barrientos and Kevin Roberts. Their poster slogans Ð "Hike for Your Heart," "Any Body Can Hike," "Hike for Health," "For a Healthy Body...Take a Hike," and "Take a Hike" are positive messages promoting a healthy lifestyle.

To view the winning posters and a complete list of "Hike for Health" Celebration sponsors and donors, visit www.carsonvalleytrails.org

Kerstin Wolle


President Bush has

stopped al-Qaida


Al-Qaida plotters in primitive Afghanistan sent jihadis with box cutters to kill 3,000 Americans, a plot hatched during the Clinton administration. If oil rich Iraq falls to al-Qaida and Sunni jihadis, next time they'll bring more than box cutters. By fighting al-Qaida where they have access to resources that pose the gravest threat, President Bush has so far stopped further attacks on America, a fact that should block out the sun in the Iraq war debate.

A wounded Navy SEAL recently told Sen. McCain that we are winning in Iraq, but they need the homefront's patience. A Marine corporal in Iraq just e-mailed similar sentiments, which will hopefully be publicized.

The Searchlight surrender monkey would run from losses lighter than the six month Guadalcanal campaign.

Reid voted for war, then opposed it, voted to confirm Gen. Petraeus as Iraq commander, then preemptively called his surge DOA. In Reid's press on April 12, covered by Congressional Quarterly, he gave away the game: "We are going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war."

Lynn Muzzy


Reid should resign over statement


If you love our country, if you are proud of our servicemen, do not delay taking action.

Sen. Harry Reid has endangered our country, and has embarrassed our country before the world.

In an earlier time he might have been brought up on charges of treason. However, in today's world the least he can do to redeem himself is to resign as Senate Majority Leader.

That, at least, would send a message to the world that he does not speak for the United States of America.

Write or send e-mails to all of your friends requesting that they join you in sending messages to their Congressional delegations to support the resignation of Harry Reid as Senate Majority Leader.

Judy Jacobs

Topaz Lake

Thanks for Relay for Life support


On behalf of the Relay for Life of Douglas County planning committee, I would like to thank everyone who attended our kickoff event. We had a great turnout of enthusiastic people who are gearing up to help us meet some aggressive goals this year in the fight against cancer.

A special note of thanks to Mike Biaggini who shared his story of survivorship with us. Mike is an incredible role model for all those who are fighting cancer, and we all appreciate him sharing his courageous battle with cancer.

We would also like to give special thanks to the following sponsors for donating toward our kickoff event: Danny's Ironwood Grill, GE Energy, Pizza Barn, Raley's, Scolari's, and Sierra Nevada Trading Company.

For more information on our local Relay For Life event, please visit the following Web site: www.acsevents.org/relay/nv/douglas, or contact me directly at jenkashuba@gmail.com.

Relay For Life represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that one day cancer will be eliminated.

Jennifer Kashuba

Event Chairman

Relay for Life of Douglas County

Little League golf tourney a success


Carson Valley Little League's first annual golf tourney was a huge success. We would like to thank all the players and sponsors who made this event possible. Carson Valley Golf Course, Carson Valley Country Club, The Record-Courier, Curtis & Sons Construction, Sierra Nevada Construction, Dayton Materials, Western Nevada Supply, Wells Fargo, Smith Valley Garage, Yagotawana Outfitters, Carson Valley Cougars Baseball, Valley Merchants Softball, Scott Forvilly D.D.S., Pilates Power, Wal-Mart, Carson Valley Allstate, Carson Valley Heating & Air, Carson Valley Inn, Jens Optics, Jethro's, Full Belly Deli, Hamdogs, Kragen, Superior Carwash, Round Table Pizza, Especially For You, JT Basque Bar & Dining Room, Paradise Gym, Grand Central Pizza, PJ'S, Starbucks, Mac Signs, Costco, Sue and Steve Straton, Carrie Nolting, Debbie Jacobsen and Mike Gamberg.

Mike Davies


Carson Valley Little League

Farm Bureau made ag day possible


Two weeks ago, several community members visited Minden Elementary School for Agricultural Day. In my previous letter, I neglected to mention that the Farm Bureau made all of this possible. Thanks again.

Shana Snyder



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