Participants are being sought for the Sept. 15 community walk for suicide prevention.
Carson Valley residents can participate in Nevada's first "Walk in Memory, Walk for Hope" at Heritage Park in Gardnerville.
The purpose of the walk is to call greater attention and awareness to the devastating effect suicide has on communities and to remember loved ones lost to suicide.
The Nevada Coalition for Suicide Prevention is hosting various events across the state, including the Gardnerville walk.
Individual walk participants are asked to donate $20 and teams $150, although a donation is not required to take part in the event.
All donations will be used to help fund various coalition programs.
Registration begins at Heritage Park at 8 a.m. and the 3-mile walk begins at 8:30 a.m.
The Douglas County Faces of Suicide Quilt will be on display at the park.
Online registration is being accepted at with a link to the "Walk in Memory, Walk for Hope" event.
For more information or to register, call the Nevada Office of Suicide Prevention at (775) 684-3475.