Ranchos woman sentenced to jail

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A 23-year-old Gardnerville Ranchos woman was sentenced to 180 days in Douglas County Jail on Feb. 14 after she tested positive for methamphetamine following two convictions for petty larceny.

"Your life is in the toilet," Judge Jim EnEarl told Lauren Meyer. "What are you doing?"

Meyer said she wanted to go to drug rehabilitation.

Lawyer Derrick Lopez said his client received a suspended sentence in January for petty larceny for a $103.32 theft at Wal-Mart.

Within three days, Meyer was arrested in Carson City after she stole clothing worth $44.60 from Gottschalks, reportedly for a job interview.

She again received a suspended sentence, but was arrested Jan. 24 after she tested positive for methamphetamine.

EnEarl revoked one of the sentences and reinstated the second.

He said he would allow her to go into drug treatment.