Marine deserter picked up in Ruhenstroth

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A 19-year-old Marine Corps private, classified as a deserter, was rousted from his sleep early Monday at a Ruhenstroth residence by federal marshals and should be back at boot camp today at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Brian Baty was picked up without incident, according to Brad Albro, supervisory deputy U.S. marshal in Reno.

"He was still in bed at his residence, wearing his Marine Corps underwear," Albro said. "He basically said he knew this day was coming."

He said Baty was compliant when marshals awoke him about 7 a.m. They were assisted by Douglas County sheriff's deputies who had a warrant for his arrest on failure to appear in East Fork Justice Court for a speeding ticket.

"The U.S. Marine Corps asked us a few weeks ago to look for Mr. Baty," Albro said.

"He was in boot camp in San Diego and apparently didn't like it, so he decided to leave. The family knew he was a deserter from the military and were aware of the situation and made no attempt to correct it," Albro said.

Federal marshals don't get many calls to pick up deserters, he said.

"In an all-volunteer armed service, people are there because they willingly and knowingly get themselves into it," Albro said.

Albro said Baty claimed he left Camp Pendleton because he was being hazed.

"That's called boot camp," Albro said.

Because Baty was absent fewer than 180 days, the Marine Corps will try to reintegrate him into boot camp, Albro said. He said he wasn't sure what day Baty reportedly left camp.

"If that doesn't work, he may face a dishonorable discharge," Albro said.

Baty appeared in East Fork Justice Court on Monday and was sentenced to three days in Douglas County Jail for failure to appear on a speeding ticket from March.

But Judge Jim EnEarl said the federal marshals, who placed a hold on Baty, could pick him up any time.

Marshals picked him up Tuesday for the return to Camp Pendleton.

Baty was a member of Douglas High School Class of 2006.


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