Carson District Ranger leaving

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Gary Schiff, a 28-year-career Forest Service employee, has been promoted to the U.S. Forest Service Headquarters in Washington D.C. Schiff has been the District Ranger for the Carson Ranger District since 1999. He will work as a Recreation and Heritage Staff Officer, with an initial assignment as a Special Assistant for Winter Sports and Travel Management Policy. He will also provide expertise in legislative and budget matters. Schiff will report to Washington D.C. later this summer.

"Gary's brought tremendous energy and creativity to the Carson Ranger District and the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest," said Ed Monnig, Humboldt-Toiyabe Forest Supervisor. Monnig continued, "Under Gary's leadership, the District forged significant partnerships with other organizations, including local, county, city, and tribal governments, stakeholder groups, and various non-government entities." Monnig said Schiff accomplished much during his eight years, and that he leaves the National Forest a better place.

"I am honored to join the Forest Service Team at the National Headquarters, however, I will miss the Sierra Front," Schiff said. He added, "I've never lived in a more beautiful place or worked with more dedicated employees and appreciative partners - it's been a privilege to work here."

A Pennsylvania native, Schiff graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 1976, and received a Masters in Forestry from Duke University in 1979. Schiff worked as a Forester and a Community Affairs Officer in northern New Mexico before moving to Carson City. He is relocating with his wife Laurel and their three children, Dillon 17, Ellie 14, and Leah 10.


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