Bachelors auction raises $5,500 for Family Support Council

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The High Sierra Thong Snappers Sadie Hawkins Fundraiser to benefit the Family Support Council of Douglas County raised approximately $5,500 after costs last Saturday night at Sharkey's Casino, according to FSC director Kelli Johnson.

The event was not the usual fundraiser, with the highlight, the auctioning of 10 bachelors. The prize was a well-planned-out "dream date" with one of them.

"It was a sold-out event. We had over 150 people there," said Johnson.

Johnson said the youngest bachelor brought in the most money, with the auction bids ranging from $100 to $500. Both singles and couples attended and they all seemed to be having fun, she said.

"Everybody said they had a good time. It was really wonderful," Johnson said.

She said the success was due to the hard work of the High Sierra Thong Snappers of Carson City, who MCed along with entertainer Robin Turley who also provided the music.

The event was originally planned as a welcome back for Sharkey's new general manager Bernie Curtis and when the Thong Snappers became involved they decided to make it a fundraiser. Sharkey's was able to obtain the food for the western barbecue dinner for free or donated it themselves to the Family Support Council at cost.

The Family Support Council is a community-based non-profit organization depending solely on grants, donations and fundraisers to support their social service programs including a domestic violence shelter, family stress education management, Grandparents as Parents support group, and family resource center.

For more information on the Family Support Council and its programs, call 782-8692 or drop by FSC at 1255 Waterloo Lane, Suite A, Gardnerville.


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