Douglas students receive scholarships

Annual scholarship awards were presented to two graduating Douglas High School students by the University Women's Club of Carson Valley. The recipients for 2007 are Amanda Edmonson and Brigita Oxoby. The young women and their mothers were feted at a special awards luncheon attended by members of the local organization where the recipients read autobiographical essays to the group.

Amanda will be attending the University of Nevada, Reno, in the fall with a pre-med major. She has already pursued classes at Western Nevada Community College while finishing her high school requirements. She graduates with a 3.952 grade point average and National Honor Society six-year membership. Besides working up to 30 hours each week, she has participated in AYSO soccer and community service projects. Amanda is the daughter of Peggy Edmonson of Gardnerville.

Brigita attended the luncheon with her mother Susan Langford and will attend Hillsdale College in Michigan this fall with a major in liberal arts, science. She is ranked first in her class with a 4.465 grade point average. Brigita has received National Honor Society and other award designations and participated in many community, high school and church service projects. She has worked part-time as well as joining her high school cross-country team.

The University Women's Club of Carson Valley is a local group of ladies who gather once a month for a social and informational meeting. Their annual scholarship awards to young women graduates of Douglas High School are financed by yearly dues and private donations of members. The organization has been active in Carson Valley since 1928. Membership is open to all women who wish to support students seeking higher education and participate in learning pursuits for themselves. This year's scholarship committee members were chairman Carol Wentzel, Louise Bell, Dorothy Heacock and Sherri Porter.


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