Northern 4A leagues may be shaken up next season | Serving Minden-Gardnerville and Carson Valley

Northern 4A leagues may be shaken up next season

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Athletic directors from around the Northern 4A voted Monday afternoon to reccomend a new North-South league alignment that would see Reno, North Valleys and Hug move up to the High Desert League and Galena, Bishop Manogue and Fallon move down to the Sierra League.

The athletic directors' decision, which was voted on at Wooster High School, will be forwarded to the principals around the region for their approval this week.

"They (the principals) can either accept the proposal or leave it as it," Douglas athletic director Jeff Evans said. "We'll know what the league will look like by Thursday or Friday."

Washoe County principals will meet Wednesday and the principals from the rural schools will be polled via e-mail by Northern 4A commissioner Ron McNutt this week.

The change would go into effect next season if it is approved.

"There were several proposals on the table, but everyone had done their research with their coaches and came up with a group decision," Evans said.

The final vote was 11-4 in favor of the North-South alignment.

It is the first time the leagues have been put up for realignment since they were established nearly nine years ago. The 4A directors also voted to bring the leagues up for realignment every four years from here on out.

"Change is good," Evans said. "It pairs a lot of schools up more geographically. I know I won't be heartbroken have to drive the spaghetti bowl as often.

"It would be nice to have some new rivalries, bring a couple of schools a little closer geographically in league play."

Ultimately, the principals will decide, but Evans said because the leagues will cut down on total transportation and loss of class time, the proposal comes in with several large benefits.

Under the new proposal, the High Desert would include McQueen, North Valleys, Hug, Spanish Springs, Reed, Reno, Elko and the Sierra would include South Tahoe, Douglas, Carson, Fallon, Galena, Damonte Ranch, Wooster and Manogue.

Evans said the athletic directors may change the names of the leagues if they are realigned to reflect the geography of each league.