Carson Valley is under a high wind watch starting at 1 p.m. today and resuming on Thursday. Winds of up to 25 mph with gusts of 45 mph are being forecast by the National Weather Service as a big low pressure system starts down from the Washington coast. On Thursday, the winds will be stronger with gusts of up to 60 mph. Cold temperatures on the other side of the front could bring a chance of snow to the Valleys and unseasonably cold temperatures that could shatter records for Friday's date.
Monday was the first day of a new water year and it was a good thing to see the last one go. September's moisture was .37 inches, or 95 percent of normal, one of the best months we've had. The tally for the year was 4.59 inches of precipitation, or 55 percent of what the weather service considers average, 8.38 inches. There were worse places, Carson City barely cleared a quarter of its annual precipitation.
A presentation on the proposed COD Garage Casino will go before Minden Town Board members tonight at their regular meeting which starts at 6 p.m. Also before the board is a request for annexation for the Minden Gateway Center located at highways 395 and 88. Minden meets at the CVIC Hall on Esmeralda Street.