WHAT is a new television show produced by Mardi Lester and Michael Smith telling the who, the where and the why. WHAT focuses on the passion of an individual or group for the benefit of others. WHAT tries to let these people communicate their passion through the camera lens of Mardi Lester or Michael Smith.
WHAT subjects are varied but geared for the intelligent viewer. WHAT presented Mike Hautekaeet of Mike's Pharmacy discussing Bio-Identical Hormones, Nevada historian Stanley Paher on the historical significance of Nevada's mining towns, Gisele Schoniger on organic gardening and Dr. Shallenberger discussing Sermorellin: The New Fountain of Youth.
Carson Valley viewers can find WHAT on DCAA TV 16 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday through Sunday. Lake Tahoe Channel 19 airs the show at various times during the week.
WHAT producer Lester is president of Dancing Heart Productions, the main underwriter of WHAT who owned and operated Elements Spa in South Lake Tahoe for nearly eight years. Besides her background in massage therapy, she is also a certified Ayurvedic Specialist and Pancha Karma Practitioner. Lester sold her spa business to focus on documentary production.
Co-producer Smith has a passion for public access television and is the videographer for the planning commission in Minden and the board of commissioners at Lake Tahoe. Smith is active in public service as Casey the Crocodile at Safety Street or Lucky Duck at Halloween at the Governor's mansion or as a St. Mary's Hospice volunteer. He weekly collects such items as food, aluminum cans, can tabs and items that benefit many public service groups such as the Carson Valley Community Food Closet, 4-H, Helping Hands, Boy Scouts and the Humane Society. For his charitable contributions to society Smith was selected this year as the Unsung Hero by the American Red Cross of Northern Nevada. Smith is the founder of the Brain Injury Association of Douglas County.
Tune in on weekends to see what WHAT has to offer. This week's show features Tracy Lord from Carson Valley Medical Center speaking about diabetes.
Information, Mardi Lester, 782-7060.