Ranchos approves horse trail for Mitch Drive Park, requires dogs to be leashed

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A horse trail around Mitch Drive Park was approved by members of the Gardnerville Ranchos General Improvement District board. Members also passed a resolution requiring the leashing of dogs in all district-owned property.

Some Ranchos residents have requested that a horse arena be built inside Mitch Drive Park, near the Ranchos fire station. Residents petitioned for the project, however, only 38 residents signed the petition, and of the 38 only 11 owned horses, according to Chairman Al Wagner.

Wagner said the board shouldn't approve an estimated $60,000 project that would only benefit a small fraction of the community.

District Manager Bob Spellberg explained that the current fire break circumscribing the park would be in-filled with decomposed granite, widened to 8-10 feet and span approximately 3Ú4 of a mile one way.

Mileage signs would be posted along the trail allowing users to know how far they travel. The estimated cost of the trail is $16,000, a much cheaper alternative to the arena.

Board members also approved landscaping for the west side of the tennis court in Mitch Drive Park. Spellberg originally proposed a volleyball court and barbecue pits for the area, but board members expressed concern over cost and possible fire danger from the barbecues.

Instead, members unanimously approved the completion of the area's landscaping, and the construction of two shade structures and two picnic tables, not exceeding $42,000 in cost.

Anita Meadows, a 3-year Ranchos resident, brought her children and some of their fellow boy scouts from Troop 340 to the meeting.

Meadows told the children she wanted them to see how easy it is to get up in front of the public and speak on important issues.

Meadows said she supported the dog leash resolution because she had seen unleashed dogs attack children in area parks.

-- Scott Neuffer can be reached at sneuffer@recordcourier.com or 782-5121, ext. 217.


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