University of Nevada Cooperative Extension is recruiting volunteer leaders for its 4-H youth leadership and development programs. No experience is necessary, and the cooperative extension provides training and support for all 4-H volunteers.
"It's a great way to share your passion or skill with today's youth," said Shannon Montana, Douglas County 4-H youth development coordinator.
Montana said that 4-H clubs aren't just focused on animals anymore, with new club offerings such as snowboard, aviation, fishing, archery and volunteers don't have to be experts on any given subject. They also get to set their own meeting times, based on their availability. Volunteers just have to be at least 20 years old and have the desire to have fun and share their enthusiasm with youth.
Youth in 4-H clubs not only learn about certain areas of interest, such as proper pet care or snowboarding, but they also gain confidence and life skills that will guide them as adults. Several 4-H clubs in Washoe County, Douglas County, Storey County and Carson City need adult leaders or co-leaders.
Douglas County 4-H needs leaders or co-leaders shooting sports clubs, which includes archery, shotgun, rifle and air pistol; and horsemanship clubs, including western and English clubs. Volunteers interested in leading shooting sports clubs must attend a special training Nov. 9 Ð 11 in Pahrump. Information, Shannon Montana, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, 782-9960.