Letters to the Editor Aug. 29

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Alas, Mr. Hettrick, where do you stand?

In your guest opinion of Aug. 20, you state, "Growth does pay for itself as shown in the only scientific study conducted " a study endorsed by UNR."

It is a well-accepted fact that for every report in favor of something you can always find a report to the contrary. It is usually found that the report favors the opinion of the group funding the report.

I believe the only way growth pays for itself is if the developer pays for the entire infrastructure required due to his project and that cost should be built into the selling price of his units.

Why should the existing citizens have to pay for something so a developer can make a profit? What happened to free enterprise? Tax dollars from a new development should go to the maintenance and replacement of the new infrastructure.

You also talk about the "will of the people" and that county government needed to ensure the quality of life we all enjoy.

You have stated, "The proposed Park Cattle Co. project is a great example."

Where is your will of the people when you support a project which was denied by the Gardnerville board, only approved by the Minden board when it reduced the number of units from a total of 4,900 to 4,400, and the county planning commission voted against it by an overwhelming majority?

Are these board and committee members considering the will of the people or are they, as you have labeled others expressing the views of the majority of the voters, just a vocal minority?

Where was the will of the people when you, as leader of the Republicans in the Nevada Assembly, initiated a bill that would have adversely impacted the initiative process, a process meant to represent the will of the people? Thankfully this was never enacted.

Where did you stand on the will of the people when some of the room tax money was taken from Parks and Recreation and given to the casinos?

Just some more items for the record.

Sanford E. Deyo



The staff and tutors at Scarselli Elementary School would like to take this opportunity to truly thank the Douglas County School Board for their decision not to turn back Senate Bill 185 grant monies to the State.

With the school district's emphasis on improving student achievement scores, Scarselli has used the grant monies for the past two years for a tutoring program. This program has proven to be extremely successful in raising both student scores and also their self-esteem. So, if you happen to see Teri Jamin, Cynthia Trigg, Thomas Moore, Karen Chessell, John Louritt, Keith Roman, or Sharla Hales in town, please take a moment to thank them for their vote enabling this program to continue for another year.

SES Staff and Tutors

Gardnerville Ranchos


The Carson Valley Jamboree benefiting Austin's House was a huge success for the first effort of its kind. And it was only achieved through the kindness and generosity of the 20/30 Club, the Sertoma Club, and the many unbelievably supportive agents and employees of Century 21 Clark Properties, and Macho Jonny Band, Roaddaddy, Red Duggan's Ramblers, Saddle Tramps and the Comstock Cowboys for the awesome music. Thank you. The CASA volunteers, and countless individuals who gave up their weekend to help set up, operate, and take down the venue for the event. Thank you all so very, very much. The Park family donated the use of the land. Thank you. Northern Nevada Toyota for the nice donation, a big thank you. Jim and Val Prather for the canopies, tables and chairs. Thanks for covering. Douglas Disposal was so accommodating. Thank you.

United Rentals, you electrified us with your generosity. Dan Evans, for everything you did, thank you. Mike and Karen Smith, Shele and Jim Pandl, we could not have done it without you. Thank you. Capitol Beverage, thank you. Drew Aguilar of Carson Valley Accounting, you're the best. John Procaccini for the stage, it was awesome. Carson Tahoe Hospital for the First Aid Station, thanks. Gizmo, Margarita Man, Tom Arno with the craft fair. Good job guys. Valley Cruisers, you were great. GRAFX 8 for all your creativity, thanks. The many generous merchants who donated prizes, gift certificates, and services were once again ready to help, without question, when the request was made. Thank you again and again.

The problem with mentioning anyone is that you can't list everyone, so to the kind, hard-working folks that are not individually mentioned because of space, please know you are appreciated beyond measure. The wonderful people who bought tickets, attended the event, and enjoyed the great food and music, thank you. We know it is a difficult economic climate, but you all outdid yourselves with generosity. You have the joy of knowing that you have contributed to the well-being of children who need sanctuary at Austin's House.

Austin's House, a group foster home, is doing an incredible job, and they need and certainly deserve our support, so thank you all again. What a great community.

Patricia Clark

the Austin Kirby Foundation
