A new tradition on the holiday: programming phones with the family

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It was a sight to see on Christmas Eve when the whole family opened their new cell phones. Jenee, 8, and Davis, 18, explained to us old folks how to remove the SIM card from our old phones and place it in the new phones and then how to insert the battery. Then because they are newer technology, the menu is completely different.

They all came with cameras although I missed the opportunity to snap off a shot of the group. Finally we figured out how to locate our address list and make a call but I still can't figure out how to add a personalized greeting when you call me. I'll have to wait until Jenee comes back home.

I guess the reason this sounded too funny is because last year we were all sitting around the living room crocheting neck scarves. I wonder what next year will bring.

White Christmas

What a wonderful white Christmas we had. The jumps were full of kids on sleds, quad riders slipping a sliding all over the place. I even saw some of our neighbor kids riding their sleds down our street.

Jenee loves to be towed by the quad on her sled and when I go around a turn I can hear her hooting and hollering with laughter. Davis and she had great fun tossing snowballs. The dogs were hysterical too, running around the backyard, dive bombing their faces in the deep snow.

We even had to cancel going to my parent's house for dinner because the roads were so awful. It was OK though because playing in all the white stuff was too much fun.


The Hoyt family reported seeing a large red-shafted flicker in their yard a few days before the snow. They are part of the woodpecker family and like to eat ants. I thought our ants were hibernating right now so I wonder what the flicker is surviving on.


If you aren't sick of turkey yet, try this sandwich recipe: Warm up a sandwich roll with a slab of turkey, a slab of stuffing, and a scoop of gravy, then add a slab of cranberry sauce. It's just like having the whole dinner, but in a sandwich.

Have a safe and Happy New Year's Eve. Let's see if we remember to write 2009 on our first checks of the new year.

n Lisa Welch is a Johnson Lane resident and can be reached at 267-9350.


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