Burglary charges for boosting cigarettes

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A 22-year-old Gardnerville man was jailed on two burglary charges, accused of stealing cigarettes from the 7-Eleven on Highway 395.

James Matlean was jailed on $25,000 cash bail accused of stealing four cartons of cigarettes, or acting as the lookout. The cigarettes were valued at $45.37 per carton.

Employees and Douglas County sheriff's deputies recognized Matlean on video tapes of the alleged offenses.

According to reports, Matlean was a regular customer at the convenience store, and employees were able to direct deputies to a residence on Dresslerville Road where he lived.

Matlean told East Fork Justice Jim EnEarl he lost his job two weeks ago and was unable to afford an attorney.

EnEarl appointed lawyer Kris Brown to represent Matlean and ordered him back in court Jan. 7.